c)reading online
d)someone who has visited both places
參考答案:可以詳細說明去過的景點裡面到底有什麼,一些當地特色食物到底值不值得去嘗試;詳細介紹有關交通方面,住宿方面的情況,環境如何,一些景點怎麼乘車乘船; 可以對兩個景點的體驗做一個對比
Reading online:
People who has visited both places:
While having plodded through the high-strength workdays, taking a vacation for people stands for a thorough relaxation both physically and mentally. Seeing beyond the mountainside towards a wide expanse of blue sky and grassland, the haunting anxiety and unease about the mundane life are shrinking gradually as if being carried away along with the breezy air. Certainly, savoring in the vacation could be ideal but laying the foundation of that before leaving for the journey could be as troublesome as the taints on the pearl. And it could be observed that sometimes even each family member is holding on their own view about the end of the journey. Regarding how to obtain the related information of travelling better, I prefer to read about the places online while deciding on which place to visit since the information online could be comprehensive and unbiased.
The information online offers all-inclusive details about almost all the sites at a certain place. Usually there are beyond a handful of options of sites in a city, especially for cities which are termed as travelling cities, no matter regarding places to visit or characteristic dishes to taste on. As a result, were people unconscious of all the choices in two cities before deciding on where to go, they might omit the scenes which could turn out to be really fitting for themselves after years no matter in which place of the two they finally spend their vacation. However, the information on the internet could be exhaustive because perhaps the managers of all the touring sites tend to diffuse their information online to attract the tourists. And thus, the foregoing unpleasant condition could be avoided if people could sail through the information online in preparation. Conversely, though a person who has visited both places might offer details of the places, hardly could their understanding of a place be as thorough as what could be gained from the internet since he or she certainly cannot have trampled on all the roads of each park and mountain.
In addition, the online information of places could convey history knowledge to the potential tourists. Asides from the natural landscape, the history serves as another weighty factors swinging people’s mind about their destination of the vacation. The relics of the ancient edifices, the traces of the historical events and the manor of the grand figures all could magnetize the travelers around the world. However, hardly could people learn about the history of the places from the mouth of another traveler who has been there since that specific person might not be interested to history and also usually people other than the history professors can retain little details. Conversely, the online information is easily accessible and it could cover all the historical figures and events in a chronological order, and hence the history-oriented people could make easy decision without weighing the scenery and the cuisines to which they have scant interest of the two places
To conclude, I believe the better method to decide on the prospective place for vacation is to reading the information online because it includes all the aspects of the places in great details. (524words)