那我們研究開頭段,第一個問題就是開頭段是由什麼組成的。開頭段可以說是對於題目的一個最直接的回應,因此,一個開頭段的組成基本是和題目的構成緊密相關的。而雅思大作文的題目構成主要分成兩類,一類是和觀點有關的題目,比方說“to what extent do you agree or disagree?”或者是“discuss both views and give your own opinion.” 這類題目的構成往往為“背景+題目觀點+題目問題”。另一類是和事實有關的題目,比方說“do the advantages outweigh disadvantages?”或者是“what are the reasons and how to solve these issues?” 而這一類的題目中就只有“背景事實+題目問題”。
所以, 我們的較為標準的開頭段通常便是“背景引入+題目觀點複述+己方觀點表達”或是,“背景引入+己方問題回應”。
一方面因為,學生往往會用較為隨便或千篇一律的描述一筆帶過,比方是“Nowadays, with the development of...”這樣的老套話術,會給考官模板的感覺,也讓考官對文章一開始就失去興趣。另一個需要重視這一部分的重要原因是,這部分靈活度很強,也就是能更好的展現自己的英語實力。
雅思寫作開頭段寫法1 擺事實
例:1. Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weakness. Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?(Collins Unit1)
There have always been differences in the types of work men and women have done...
2. Convenience foods will become increasingly prevalent and eventually replace traditional foods and traditional methods of food preparation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(Collins Unit2)
The increasing avail ability of convenience foods has been a significant feature of modern life in many developed countries...
3. In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? (C4T4)
Poor student behaviour seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I think that modern lifestyles are probably responsible for this.
4. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. (C5T2)
It is quite common these days for young people in many countries to have a break from studying after graduating from high school.
雅思寫作開頭段寫法2 給原因
例:1. As language such as English, Spanish and mandarin become more widely spoken, there is a fear that many minority languages may die out. Some countries have taken steps to protect minority languages. What is your view of this practice? (Collins Unit5)
As the world becomes more integrated, the need for common means of communication is becoming more pressing.
2. Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (C6T2)
As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries.