題目:Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you.
Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.
首先, 說出這本書的書名,其次分兩點進行闡述,說明這本書對你來說為什麼是重要的。這道題不難,但是很多學生會被書名限制了自己的答題思路。Tips: 其實答這道題,同學們可以從最簡單的話題入手,至於書名,大家不妨根據自己的內容去取一本書的名字(當然,這是建立在不會說或者想不出書名的條件下)。答題時還需要把握住一個要點,即 important。意味著我們在說這本書的時候,要側重答它對你的重要性或者啟發。
Sample answer:
A year ago, I read a book named “Eyes of the World”, whose author is Steven William. The book mainly talks about a diver-sity of amazing scenery throughout the world. It was significant to me for two reasons. To begin with, the book had broad-en my horizon greatly. Since I appreciated a variety of spectacular landscapes such as the Great Canyon and Rocky Moun-tain which brought me a sense of excitement. Furthermore, the book served as a companion when I was upset and alone. Whenever I felt unhappy with my study and life, I would browse the book , because every time I read the book, I could en-vision my future trip with fantastic experience. For the above two reasons, I definitely would highlight the importance of the book to me.
1.TPO26: Think of a book that you have not read but you are interested in reading.Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to support your answer.
2. Describe your favorite book. Explain why you like it most. Include details and examples in your explanation.
(2006.12.8 和 2006.3.25 都考過)