
今日主題:Looking Back on 40 Years of Lucy

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Forty years ago yesterday, November 24, 1974, paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson found in Ethiopiawhat's arguably the most famous and important fossil of a human ancestor: Lucy. Last month, at the ScienceWriters2014 meeting in Columbus, Ohio, Johanson talked about the moment he laid eyes on Lucy.

On that eventful day in 1974 I was out, with a graduate student, Tom Gray, and we were walking back to our Land Rover to go back to camp to enjoy a swim in the river with the crocodiles and enjoy a nice little lunch. And I am always looking at the ground. I find more quarters by parking meters than anybody I know, I think. And you know how it is you find what you're looking for, right?
「在1974年那個重大的一天,我跟一個叫湯姆‧格雷的研究生在外面。當時我倆正走向我們的座駕蘭德‧路華,準備回營地在河裡跟鱷魚們一起游個泳,然後美 美地吃個午餐。我總是習慣看著地面。我能在停車計時器周圍比任何我認識的人有更多發現,至少我認為是這樣。我想大家都懂得,當你發現自己一直想找的那樣東 西時的那種感覺吧」

「Because a year before the discovery a geologist had left his footprints four-to-five feet away from the skeleton, because he was looking for rocks. I was looking for bones. And I found a little piece of elbow, that little hinge that allows us to flex and extend our arm. And I knew from my studies of osteology, of comparative anatomy and so on, that this had to be from a human ancestor.

「And I as looked up the slope, I saw other fragments eroding out. And we recovered over a two-week-long excavation operation roughly, not counting hand and foot bones, 40 percent of a skeleton. And this was important because first of all it broke the three-million-year time barrier. All the fossils older than three million years at that point in the history of paleoanthropology would fit in the palm of your hand…we didn't know it was a new species really until a few years later when we finally published in 1978 the name Australopithecus afarensis.」
「我順著斜坡往上看,看到其它一些骨骼片段因受侵蝕裸露出來。經過一個長達兩週的艱難挖掘作業, 不算手骨和腳骨,我們重獲了40%的骨架。這一點非常重要,因為首先它打破了三百萬年的時間界限。由此可得,在古人類學歷史上所有三百萬年前的化石都能與 大家的手掌骨架相吻合…當時我們還真不知道這是一個新物種,直到幾年後在1978年,我們最終以「南方古猿阿法種」之名將其公佈。


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