今日主題:Greek politics-- Immigrants as scapegoats / 希臘政治--讓移民來頂罪
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Greek politics-- Immigrants as scapegoats
As Greece is forced to make more budget cuts, right-wing extremism is on the rise
Protesters in wheelchairs jeered and whistled as officials from the “troika”—the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank—arrived at the labour ministry on October 2nd to press for yet more public-expenditure cuts. Beleaguered Greeks are set to endure a sixth year of recession in 2013. Greek budget planners forecast a 3.8-4% contraction, the IMF a more pessimistic 5%.
本月2日,歐盟委員會(European Commission)、國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)和歐洲央行(European Central Bank)這“三駕馬車”的官員代表抵達希臘勞動部,敦促其繼續削減公共開支。與此同時,眾多殘障人士坐在輪椅上,對於此舉又是吹哨又是嘲諷。由於陷入歐債危機,希臘人民直至明年不得不繼續經歷連續第六年的經濟衰退。據希臘財政部預計,本次衰退規模為3.8%至4%,而IMF則給出5%這一更為悲觀的數字。
Yannis Stournaras, the finance minister, is under huge pressure to find an extra 2 billion ($2.6 billion) of last-minute savings to appease the troika. Antonis Samaras, the centre-right prime minister, has an even harder task: persuading the coalition government’s left-wing partners to accept tighter austerity. Both still sound confident a deal will be reached, though the timetable is likely to slip by a couple of weeks.
對此,希臘財長斯托那拉斯(Yannis Stournaras)肩負重擔。他必須從辛苦積累下的財政基金中擠出20億歐元(約26億美元),以應付那三駕馬車。而處於中右勢力的希臘總理薩馬拉斯(Antonis Samaras)所面臨的任務則更為艱巨,即遊說聯合政府內部的左翼派接受更進一步的財政緊縮方案。但兩人仍然相信能就此問題達成協議,只是達成時間可能會向後順延兩周。
Delays are not helpful for Mr Samaras. He has struggled during his first 100 days in office to keep his fragile coalition together while Mr Stournaras put together a 13.5 billion austerity package in return for Greece’s second 130 billion bail-out. At the European summit on October 18th, the premier promised that he would seek a two-year extension until 2016 for implementing the new measures, thereby softening their impact. But European leaders will not grant Greece’s request until the package has been agreed to with the troika and approved by the parliament in Athens. As a result Greece’s next 31.2 billion loan tranche, needed to recapitalise Greek banks so that they can start lending again, may not arrive until mid-November.
The draft budget for 2013 already includes almost 5 billion of cuts in pensions and public-sector salaries. Mr Stournaras hopes they are deep enough to achieve a primary budget surplus (before making debt repayments) of 1.4% of GDP. The troika chiefs are concerned tax revenues will be lower than forecast, and that the budget still leaves space for spending overruns by the defence and health ministries and in local government.
Once again the government has shied away from sacking civil servants, despite a commitment to cut the bloated public-sector payroll by 150,000 over the next three years. Instead a total of 15,000 civil servants are to be eased out of their jobs, taking early retirement after a year on 75% of their previous salary. It is an unsatisfactory solution reached to accommodate Mr Samaras’s coalition partners.
Greece’s official unemployment rate hit 24.4% in June, the EU’s second-highest after Spain. The jobless rate among young Greeks rose to 55.4%, overtaking Spain’s for the first time. Many private-sector workers, among them teachers and nurses, complain of not being paid regularly. “In our profession, you can’t not turn up for your shift,” said Yolanda, an intensive-care nurse taking part in a protest outside the health ministry, which owes more than 1 billion to private clinics for looking after state health-service patients.
Public-sector trade unions are planning rolling strikes to protest against the latest wage cuts. Extremists are stirring up trouble. Opinion polls show that Golden Dawn, the far-right, anti-immigrant party that won seats in parliament for the first time at the June general election, has overtaken the socialists to occupy third place behind Mr Samaras’s New Democracy and Syriza, the main opposition party.
國有部門的各個工會為抗議近期的工資削減正在計畫集體罷工。極端分子也不斷招惹事端。 “金色黎明黨”(Golden Dawn)是希臘極右翼的反移民政黨,它在今年6月的國會選舉上首此贏得一席之地。據民調顯示,該黨人氣已超過社會主義各大黨派,直逼執政黨“新民主黨”(New Democracy)和第一反對黨“希臘極左翼聯盟”(Syriza),成為希臘第三大黨。
Golden Dawn is opening more offices in provincial towns to increase support among the unemployed young. Recognisable by their black T-shirts with a swastika-like emblem, its members are growing bolder in their harassment of immigrants. One group recently attacked several stallholders at an open-air market in Rafina, a port near Athens, after posing as plain-clothes police checking their permits. The police were not much help: as often happens with Golden Dawn’s transgressions, sympathetic police officers looked the other way.
Golden Dawn is not only stepping up its vigilantism and attacks against immigrants. Nikos Michaloliakos, the party leader, encourages displays designed to show Golden Dawn’s social conscience, through public distributions of food parcels to the needy. But beneficiaries must first register with the party and prove they are Greek, by showing their identity cards.
金色黎明黨的所為不僅僅包括其不斷加強的反移民政策和襲擊。其党首麥克婁利亞科斯(Nikos Michaloliakos)支持向貧民分發食物,由此來顯示該党的社會道德心。但這些貧民獲贈食物的前提是加入該黨,並出示身份證以證明自己的希臘國籍。
Nikos Dendias, the citizens’ protection minister, says that Golden Dawn’s storm-troopers will not be tolerated. Shopkeepers around Plateia Amerikis, where some immigrants run small businesses, are not convinced. “Racist violence is on the rise, and many people are in need of protection,” says Javed Aslam, a Pakistani community leader. Few immigrants trust the police any more.
對此,希臘司法部長丹迪亞斯(Nikos Dendias)表示,金色黎明黨的那些“突擊隊員”不能被姑息。在Amerikis廣場,一部分移民經營著小買賣。對於政府的態度,當地的店家表示不太放心。“種族暴力行徑不斷增多,許多人都需要保護。”某巴基斯坦社區領導Javed Aslam稱。大部分移民對於希臘警方都表示不信任。