今日主題:Turkey and Syria-- Bad blood bubbles / 土耳其和敘利亞--惡戰到底
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Turkey and Syria-- Bad blood bubbles
Relations between the two neighbours are getting worse than ever
A dangerous spat
After a series of mortar bombs fired from Syria landed in the south - eastern Turkish town of Akcakale, killing five people on October 3rd, Turkey’s government ordered its forces to fire on Syrian military targets. The Turkish shelling, which continued into Thursday, reportedly killed several Syrian soldiers, raising the spectre of a tit - for - tat that could get out of hand. Turkey has repeatedly called on the UN to impose a buffer zone in Syria to protect civilians and, by implication, to give rebels trying to overthrow the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad a haven. This latest escalation of hostilities between the two neighbours makes the prospect of a wider intervention a notch likelier. But as The Economist went to press, both sides seemed loth to let the spat slide into a bigger punch - up straight away.
After the Syrian attack, Turkey’s mildly Islamist prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, convened his top generals for emergency talks, while Ahmet Davutoglu, his foreign minister, called on the heads of NATO and the UN, among others, to back Turkey’s appeals for a buffer zone in S yria. In Akcakale residents chanting slogans took to the streets to protest. The town has been prey to stray bullets from Syria in the past fortnight, as clashes intensified between rebels and troops loyal to Mr Assad.
在敘利亞的襲擊之後,土耳其外交部長呼籲北約和聯合國的首腦,支持其在敘利亞建立一個安全區,與此同時,土耳其溫和的伊斯蘭總理雷傑普•塔伊普•埃爾多安( Recep Tayyip Erdogan )立即召集了高級軍官進行了緊急會議。但是Akcakale小鎮的居民上街喊著口號表示抗議。在過去的兩周里,隨著忠於敘利亞總統阿薩德和叛軍之間矛盾的加劇,小鎮猶如獵物般深陷流彈的囹圄。
Despite Turkey’s retaliatory strikes, which many Turks hope are a face - saving ploy rather than a prelude to war, it remained unclear whether the Syrian shells had been fired deliberately. Some Turks even speculated that the rebels’ Free Syrian Army, which Turkey has been helping by providing it with bases and probably arms and training, may have orchestrated the attack in a bid to lure Turkey into the conflict.
A military confrontation between Turkey and Syria has been mooted ever since Syria downed a Turkish air force reconnaissance jet on June 22 nd near the Syrian port city of Latakia. Turkey growled about possible retaliation, massing its troops along the border and declaring that it had revised its rules of engagement with Syria.
Syria is now Mr Erdogan's biggest headache, with opinion polls suggesting that most Turks are unhappy with his government’s so far fruitless attempts to change the regime in Damascus. The slaughter of Syrian civilians continues unabated. About 80,000 of them, at last count, had sought refuge in Turkey.
Mr Erdogan's support for Syria’s rebels has complicated and soured Turkey’s other relations in the region, particularly with Iran, Syria’s main local ally. Iraq’s prime minister, Nuri al - Maliki, a Shia, has also turned against Mr Erdogan for coddling his Sunni rivals. Meanwhile, Mr Assad has resumed the backing his father Hafez, who was president before him, used to give to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey, ceding control of a string of towns along the Turkish border to the PKK’s allies in the Democratic Union Party, a group of Syrian Kurds better known as the PYD. Turkey’s enthusiasm for a buffer zone may well be boosted as much by its fear of these newly emboldened Kurds as by its concern for Syria’s beleaguered people.
Erdogan總理因為支持敘利亞反對派使得土耳其與鄰國的關係變得更加惡劣,這其中尤其是敘利亞的盟友伊朗。伊拉克總理努里•馬利基(Nuri al - Maliki)是位什葉派,也因為土耳其總理背棄他轉而支持遜尼派對手而與其決裂。在此之前,阿薩德總統的父親,前敘利亞總統哈菲茲(Hafez)一直支持土耳其的庫爾德工人黨(PKK)。而今,阿薩德總統也開始支持該黨,並將土耳其邊境一系列小鎮的掌控權交由PKK在民主聯盟黨(Democratic Union Party)內的盟友。民主聯盟黨是有敘利亞庫爾德人所組成,又稱PYD。土耳其對受慫恿的庫爾德人的恐懼和對陷入困境的敘利亞人的擔憂使得加強了其對緩衝區的熱情大大增加。