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Be careful when playing Santa at the office. Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble.
A Victoria's Secret gift card for the cute girl who works in the neighboring cubicle? Not appropriate. A dictionary for the new co-worker whose misspellings on email you've had to correct? It probably won't be appreciated.
例如,給臨桌的可愛女孩送張Victoria's Secret性感內衣的代金卡?這可不太合適。或者給在電子郵件中常犯拼寫錯誤,弄得你要幫他糾正的新同事送本字典?這或許也不會讓對方心生感激。
Here are some guidelines for appropriate gift giving in the workplace
Generally, it's not appropriate to give your boss a gift. It can come with mixed messages. People worry that it seems like you are trying to buy favoritism.
Instead, see if co-workers would like to contribute to a gift for the boss from the whole office. If you're charged with buying the gift, stick with office-related items or something that fits with the subject of your company's work. Or, if your boss has a hobby or interest, such as golf, consider a gift that plays to that.
You and co-workers also can chip in to get small gifts for people working under you, like the receptionist or mailroom staff.
If you're exchanging gifts with co-workers, it's best to buy something simple for everyone in your team or group. Keep individual gift giving outside the office.
For the boss as well as co-workers, avoid items that are too personal--say, perfume, scented bath products, jewelry, lingerie or other clothing. Also steer away from alcohol and tobacco products.
Gag gifts can cause problems as well. "Not everyone translates humor the way you might" and you risk off ending someone. Cash is a no-no as are gifts that are too expensive. You're going to look like you are just trying to win favor.
You don't have to reciprocate if a co-worker gives you a gift.
It's your call whether to buy gifts for clients, vendors or people you have a professional relationship with outside the office.
If your office sends out gifts to clients and vendors, there's no need to do something on top of that. Write a nice card if you feel like that person really made your year.
If you decide to buy gifts for clients or vendors, make sure their company guidelines allow them to accept gifts. You also should check your company's gift-giving guidelines, especially if you plan to use company funds to purchase presents.
If you attend a holiday party with colleagues in someone's home, make sure you bring a hostess gift. While wine is usually a popular hostess gift, it may not always be appropriate if it's a work event. A nice box of chocolates or a poinsettia plant are good options.


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聽力是托福考試最難的一項,也是占比重最大的一項。所以一定要重視托福聽力的備考。托福聽力考試備考中,語法和托福聽力有什麼關係呢? 為大家解析托福聽力與語法的關係,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。


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顏色詞除表示其具體實際的色彩外,還會由於不同國家的不同文化而具有不同的涵義。例如a white day可譯為“白色的日子”,但在英國,白色往往表 示“純真”、“崇高”、“吉祥”、“幸福”之意。a white day意為“吉日” 或“喜慶的日字”。下面就各種顏色詞分別舉例略作說明。


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Kamikatsu – Japan’s aspiring zero-waste town
We’ve heard many stories of individuals across the world who’ve adopted a zero-waste lifestyle, but it’s not often that we come across an entire community that is trying to become waste-free. The residents of Kamikatsu, Japan, take recycling so seriously that they actually hope to become the nation’s first zero-waste community by 2020.
 Kamikatsu has no garbage trucks – so residents need to compost their kitchen scraps at home. They also have to wash and sort the rest of their trash into 34 different categories, and bring it to the recycling center themselves where workers make sure that the waste goes into the correct bins. It apparently took some time for the residents to get used to this rule, but they eventually managed to adapt to the drastic changes and are now seeing them as normal.
 The Japanese town has turned recycling into a streamlined process – there are separate bins for different types of paper products – newspapers, magazines, cartons, and flyers. Even plastic bottles and their caps go into different bins as do aluminum, spray, and steel cans are collected separately too. Many of these items are resold or repurposed into usable clothing, toys, and accessories. The labels on each bin show the recycling process for that specific item, so the residents know exactly what happens to their trash.
 Reuse is highly encouraged in Kamikatsu – they have a local kuru-kuru shop where residents can exchange used items with new things at no extra cost. And the kuru-kuru factory employs women to make bags, clothes, and stuffed dolls out of discarded items. Businesses are also encouraged to participate in responsible waste management – the town has a zero-waste brewery, housed in a building constructed of reused materials.
 With a population of just over 1,700, Kamikatsu recycles about 80 percent of its trash and only 20 percent goes to landfills, so you could say that the town is very close to achieving its goal. They’ve been practicing prudent waste management for the past 13 years after declaring their zero-waste ambition in 2003 and giving up their old practice of dumping trash into open fires.
 “If you get used to it, it becomes normal,” a Kamikatsu resident said in a video made by YouTube channel Seeker Stories. “It can be a pain, and at first we were opposed to the idea. Now I don’t think about it. It’s become natural to separate the trash correctly.”
“當你習慣回收廢物後,這事兒就會顯得很平常,”在YouTube“探索者所見” (Seeker Stories)頻道攝製的錄影中,一位元上勝町的居民如是說道。“回收廢物很麻煩,我們起初都反對這一提議。但現在,我根本不會想太多。對我來說,正確分類廢物再自然不過了。”
 All the recycling facilities in Kamikatsu are managed by a Zero Waste Academy which also regularly hosts groups of local schoolchildren and foreign visitors, educating them on the benefits of a zero waste lifestyle. Every years, the Academy receives around 2,500 visitors from all around the world, all eager to learn more about zero-waste and how Kamikatsu has managed to implement its principles in such a short period of time.


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A study that analyzed the DNA of self-professed 'night owls' and 'morning larks' found that people who like to rise early tend to be thinner than those who go to bed later.


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1. the life and soul of a party 派對台柱/派對擔當


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倫敦地鐵的不成文禁忌 你都知道嗎?🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃
How to behave on the Tube: unbreakable rules of the London Underground
Transport for London caused fear, shock, panic and dismay at Holborn station back in November when they piloted a new crowd control system that flew in the face of traditional tube travel etiquette.
For three weeks, station staff actively encouraged travellers to stand on both the left and right sides of the escalator, breaking the long-established ‘stand on the right, walk on the left’ protocol, in the hope it would increase the number of people ascending.


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✪ I'm good ✪
I'm good除了可以用來回答How are you?,表示“我很好”之外,還常用於:
- Do you want some chips with your sandwich?
- No, I'm good. Thanks.
- Do you have any questions?
- No, I'm good.
- Do you wanna go to a strip club?
- I'm good.


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