今日主題:China's consumers-- Still kicking 中國的消費大軍--依舊活躍 (上)
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China's consumers-- Still kicking
Despite China's economic slowdown, consumption is resilient
IF YOU believe that China's economy is in trouble and that Chinese consumers are clinging tightly to their yuan, a visit to a local car dealership may make you think again. China has roared past America already to become the world's biggest car market. In March sales of passenger cars zoomed again, by nearly 10% year on year. Shiny sport-utility vehicles (SUVs), the hottest, shiniest items at this week's biennial Beijing Auto Show (pictured), did even better: sales jumped by 46% in March from a year earlier. The car market is forecast to keep growing briskly for the rest of this decade (see chart).
如果你認為中國經濟正身處困境,中國的消費者也正緊握手中的人民幣不放,那麼拜訪一家當地的汽車銷售商,有可能使你再作思考。中國早已超越美國,成為全球 最大的汽車市場。在3月,小轎車的銷量再次急速上升,年同比銷售增長將近10%。在本周舉行的兩年一度的北京車展中,多功能車(SUV)是最熱門、最閃耀 的產品,它的表現更佳:與去年3月相比,銷售量同比增長46%。據預測,汽車市場將在未來4年繼續保持增長。
The Chinese consumer is flashing his wallet elsewhere, too. China's box-office revenues shot up by nearly 50% on a year earlier in 2015, to $6.8 billion. Cinema operators led by Wanda Group, an ambitious local conglomerate that recently bought Hollywood's Legendary Entertainment, have poured money into expansion; the number of screens across China has been rising at 36% a year since 2011.
After years of expansion, the smartphone market is peaking. Some firms still thrive: China's Huawei, a telecoms giant, predicts that revenues from its consumer-devices division will rise by about 50% this year. But Xiaomi, an innovative electronics firm once seen as China's answer to Apple, is losing steam. Apple itself announced weaker results on April 26th (see article). Revenues from sales in greater China fell by 26% year on year. As the market for devices matures, however, consumer spending is shifting to services: data usage has grown at triple-digit rates since 2012.
經過數年擴張之後,智慧手機市場也正趨於頂峰狀態。部分公司仍在茁壯成長,作為電信巨頭的中國華為作出預測,其消費類電子設備收入將于本年增加近50%。 然而,曾一度被視作中國版蘋果的創新電子企業小米則漸漸失去動力。在4月26日,蘋果對外宣告其不甚令人滿意的狀況(另見文)。蘋果在大中華地區的年銷售 收入同比下跌26%。隨著電子設備市場的成熟,消費者的支出也正轉向服務方面:從2012年開始,資料流程量使用一直保持三位數的增長率。
The unrelenting march of e-commerce continues. In 2010 online shopping accounted for only 3% of total private consumption, but it now makes up 15%. Alibaba, which processes more sales on its e-commerce platforms than eBay and Amazon combined, saw annual Chinese revenues grow to 63 billion yuan ($9.7 billion) in 2015, a rise of nearly 40% compared with a year earlier.