
 今日主題:Frogs Signal Visually in Noisy Environments  可愛的青蛙叫聲

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Ask anyone what sound a frog makes and they'll probably say "ribbit." But there’s only one frog that makes that sound: the Pacific chorus frog. It may have become the go-to frog call because it just happens to live near sound artists in Hollywood.

Herpetologists have long known that frog calls are more diverse than just ribbit. But their communications are more diverse than just calls—they also signal each other by sight.

Say you’re a male of a species called the Brazilian torrent frog. And you live alongside a fast-flowing stream in the Amazon jungle. You happily chirp away, advertising your availability to whatever female torrent frogs are around. But when another male comes too close, your chirps give way to peeps and squeals.

So you wave your red and brown arm in front of your cream-colored face. The ensuing color contrast turns your body into a warning light. The intruder gets the hint and hops away to bother someone else.

Brazilian zoologist Fábio P. de Sá witnessed Brazilian torrent frogs using eighteen different visual displays, five of which had never been seen before in other frogs. He and colleagues published their findings in the journal PLOS ONE. The frog semaphore system probably developed because streams are noisy places. Instead of shouting over the sound of rushing water, these frogs communicate by jumping, head bobbing, arm waving or even wagging their toes.
巴西動物學家Fábio P. de Sá就曾目睹過巴西河流蛙使用了18種不同的可見的資訊展示方式,其中五種在其它種類的蛙中從未被觀察到過。該研究結果已經發表在《公共科學圖書館》雜誌 上。由於河流非常的喧囂,青蛙的信號系統可能進化了。巴西河流蛙並沒有用嘹亮的歌聲蓋過湍急的河流,而是通過跳躍,晃動頭部,擺動手臂或者甚至搖擺腳趾這 類方式進行交流。

The set of signals is the most sophisticated ever documented for a frog, but de Sá thinks that other frogs could have similarly complex repertoires, if only researchers would take the time to look. One thing is certain: it’s not easy being green, but it’s simple to be seen.
這類信號是蛙類研究中有記載的文獻中最複雜的方式了,但是Fábio P. de Sá 認為,其它蛙類或許有相同複雜的指令集和,只要科研人員們能花時間觀察記錄一下便能發現。儘管如此,有一件事兒我們能確認,那就是,變綠不是很容易,但是被發現還是不難的。

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