【ARCHITECTURE 建築】:indoor design 室內設計
1. stairway [ˋstɛr͵we] n. 樓梯;階梯
Stairway is a passage with a set of steps that leads from one floor to another.
2. corridor [ˋkɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊;迴廊;通道
A corridor is a narrow, long passage in a building or train, with doors and rooms on one or both sides.
3. hallway [ˋhɔl͵we] n. 走廊;門廳;玄關
A hallway is a corridor in a building or an entrance hall of a building.
4. ceiling [ˋsilɪŋ] n. 天花板
A ceiling is the horizontal surface that forms the top part or roof inside a room.
5. skylight [ˋskaɪ͵laɪt] n. (屋頂等的)天窗 (= hatchway)
A skylight is an opening in a house roof covered with translucent or transparent material to admit light.