
今日主題:MacArthur Genius Grant Winner Probes the Pruning Brain

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“They’re like the Pac-Man of our brain.”

Harvard neuroscientist Beth Stevens, talking about glia cells, which make up more than half the human brain. This week Stevens got a MacArthur Fellowship, the so-called genius grant, for her studies of glia.

“These cells are incredibly responsive to damage or injury. They can protect our brain by, for example, clearing bacteria or debris in the brain in the case of injury and disease…

“Until about 10 years ago, almost all of the research devoted to these cells was in these contexts. We discovered that there was another role for these cells in the normal healthy brain, in particular during development…

“So a synapse is the junction of communication between two neurons, it’s how neurons talk to each other…we’re actually born with an excess of synaptic connections…and through this normal developmental process called pruning, a large number of these extra synapses get permanently removed or eliminated while others get strengthened and maintained.

These microglial cells were in fact engulfing or eating these extra synapses. So these cells are necessary to do this and now of course we’re trying to better understand how it is that they know which synapse to prune and which synapse to leave alone.

“A hallmark of many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, is the early loss of synaptic connections or synapses…And what’s most striking about this is, it’s thought that the synapse loss happens years before you see signs of cognitive impairment or pathology.

“That means it’s critical that we understand how these synapses are lost—what makes synapses vulnerable. And that’s a major question my lab is addressing. So recent work in the lab suggests that these normal pruning mechanisms that I’ve just described that are relevant to development get reactivated to drive or mediate this early synapse loss in the adult brain in these diseases.
這意味著,我們理解這些神經元是如何丟失是非常重要的——是什麼讓這些神經元如此的脆弱。這就是我實驗室正在解決一個重大的問題。現象實驗室的研究表明我 剛才描述的這些正常的修復機理與和發育過程有關,並且被啟動行使或者說介導這種疾病條件下成年人大腦中的早期突觸損失現象。

This is very exciting because it allows us to think about the potential that intervening with this pruning pathway could lead to new insight into therapeutics.”

For the complete list of this year’s 24 MacArthur Fellows, including about 10 science and medicine people depending on how you define their activities, go to macfound.org, for MacArthur Foundation.

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