






例題:Where in Australia have Asian honey bees been found in the past?

A. Queensland

B. New South Wales

C. several states


原文:We discovered a few of them in Queensland once and eradicated them. Now, we're pretty keen to make sure that there aren't any more getting in, particularly to New South Wales and other states.


本題的關鍵信息就是in the past ,過去的時間。在聽力時注意到discovered once 都表示過去,因此A 選項- Queensland 答案就很明顯了。而Now 這個表示現在時間的詞則幫我們快速排除了B C 的選項。



例題:The students' main concern about using the library would be

A. the size of the library

B. difficulty in getting help

C. the lack of materials


原文: Our main worry would be not being able to go to a teacher for advice.


本題的關鍵信號詞是main concern,當聽到main worry 這個替換詞出現時就是在提醒學生答案就跟在後面呢。最後用not being able to go to a teacher for advice 來替換選項B difficulty in getting help.



例句:A problem with Asian honey bees is that they

A. attack native bees

B. carry parasites

C. damage crops



Student 1: What's wrong with Asian honey bees? Are they so different from Australian bees?

GRANT: Well, in fact , they look almost the same, but they are infested with mites microscopic creatures which live on them, and which can seriously damage our own home-grown bees, or could even wipe them out.


本題討論的對像是Asian honey bee,在句子開頭就用了代詞they 來替代Asian honey bee,來引出後面的答案句they are infested with mites而陷阱就容易出現在代詞所指代的對像到底是不是題目所討論的對象。看後面的那兩個which 指代的是不是本題的Asian honey bee ?事實上,不是。它們指代的是microscopic creatures。因此A選項是設有陷阱的錯誤選項。




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