

今天來分享: 4/13托福字彙題超完整版

1. durable = long-lasting
2. posed = presented
3. hastened = hurried
4. courteous = polite
5. thanks to = because of
6. converge = come together
7. severity = seriousness
8. mimic = reproduce
9. initially = at first
10. conventional = standard
11. on balance = overall
12. vast = extensive
13. drawbacks = disadvantages
14. sequentially=one after another
15. just = fair
16. thereby = consequently
17. suitable = appropriate
18. generally = usually
19. tending = taking care of
20. exploiting =making use of
21. strenuous=requiring great effort
22. implements = tools
23. justifiably = rightfully
24. classic = typical
25. remnants = remains
26. vigorous = lively
27. ringed = surrounded
28. indigenous = native
29. elaborate = complex
30. intimate = familiar 


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