

  1. 關鍵字: unlike
  2. in contrast to
  3. on the other hand
  4. on the contrary
  5. not 老觀點 but 新觀點
  6. from to 


  1. 關鍵字: however
  2. nevertheless
  3. nonetheless
  4. still
  5. but 當一個理論剛論述完之後的but,yet通常表轉折
  6. yet
  7. in fact
  8. in reality
  9. practically
  10. in deed
  11. actually
  12. although
  13. though
  14. even though
  15. notwithstanding



  1. 關鍵字 because
  2. since
  3. as
  4. for
  5. thus
  6. hence
  7. therefore
  8. consequently
  9. as as consequence
  10. lie in
  11. result from 由……產生
  12. lead to
  13. be attributable to 注意哪個是因那個是果
  14. be traceable to
  15. activate 表遞進 促進
  16. inspire
  17. provoke
  18. motivate
  19. spur
  20. galvanize
  21. precipitate
  22. determine 表決定
  23. dictate
  24. reflection
  25. extension
  26. parallel

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