

❖❖20 facts about the Harry Porter films❖❖
We know you love and review it too! So we share our 20 cool facts about Potteriana right now.
1. The least successful Harry Potter film made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie…
✑ 最不成功的《哈利·波特》電影比最成功的《暮光之城》電影多賺了9000萬美元……
Sorry, Edward and Bella, you cannot be compared to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
✑ 抱歉,愛德華和貝拉,你們無法與哈利、榮恩和妙麗相比。
2. Every Harry Potter movie is on the list of top 50 highest grossing films of all time.
✑ 每一部《哈利·波特》電影的票房都高居最高票房前50名電影榜單上。
And this fact is not surprising for anyone.
✑ 這一事實並不令人驚訝。
3. J.K. Rowling wrote the final chapter of the last Harry Potter book in 'something like 1990', seven years before the release of the 1st book.
✑ J.K.羅琳寫的最後一本《哈利·波特》系列的最後一章大約在1990年代,而第一本《哈利·波特》小說7年後才發表。
Many fans didn't like the ending of the story, by the way.
✑ 另外,很多粉絲都不喜歡故事的結局。
4. Moaning Myrtle, in the Harry Potter series is actually a 46-year-old woman! The actress Shirley Henderson who played the ghost in the bathroom was actually 46 in real life.
✑ 在《哈利·波特》系列叢書中,哭泣的麥朵實際是個46歲的女人!而女演員雪麗·亨德森在扮演這個浴室裡的鬼魂時,她的年齡剛好是46歲。
5. Harry Potter is now 34 years old. Good news: in an upcoming story of J.K. Rowling the beloved 34-year-old characters reunite to win new evil.
✑ 哈利·波特現在34歲了。好消息:在J.K.羅琳的下一個故事中,講述的是34歲的人重聚戰勝新邪惡。
6. J.K. Rowling says the idea of Harry Potter just “strolled into her head” during a four-hour train delay. That's why be grateful for any moments of your life even those when you have to wait…
✑ J.K.羅琳說《哈利·波特》的“靈感迸發”於一次四個小時的火車延誤。這就是為什麼我們要感激生活的時時刻刻,即使是那些等待的時刻也要懂得感激……
7. In the Harry Potter movie, Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell terrier, which are known to chase otters – Hermione's Patronus is an otter. It's just so cute!
✑ 在《哈利·波特》電影中,榮恩的守護神是傑克羅素梗犬,眾所周知它會追逐水獺。而妙麗的守護神是一隻水獺。這真是太可愛了!
8. J.K. Rowling wrote an alternative ending to the Harry Potter series.
✑ 羅琳為《哈利·波特》系列寫過另一個結局。
The author herself wanted Harry Potter to be together with Hermione in the end of the story.
✑ 作者本人在故事的結局中曾經想要哈利·波特與妙麗在一起。
9. Daniel Radcliffe broke more than 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he would use them as drumsticks.
✑ 丹尼爾·雷德克裡夫在拍攝《哈利·波特》這部電影期間,用壞了80多根魔杖,因為他把魔杖當鼓槌來敲。
Well, he could buy all the wands of the universe to replace them after all…
✑ 好吧,他想買下全宇宙的魔杖也是可以的……
10. Daniel Radcliffe was nicknamed “Harry Puffer” by his “Harry Potter” co-stars for having the so-called “20-a-day cigarette habit”.
✑ 丹尼爾·雷德克裡夫有著“每天20根香煙”的習慣,因此被《哈利·波特》的其他聯合主演取綽號“哈利·煙鬼”。
They trully worried about his health.
✑ 他們確實很擔心他的健康。
11. Daniel Radcliff's parents allowed him to stay up an extra half hour as celebration when he found out he'd gotten the part of Harry Potter.
✑ 在得知自己獲得飾演哈利·波特這個角色的機會時,丹尼爾·雷德克裡夫的父母允許他晚睡半個小時來慶祝
12. J.K. Rowling considered killing Ron Weasley in the middle of the “Harry Potter” series, but eventually decided to let him live.
✑ J.K.羅琳曾考慮過在《哈利·波特》系列的中部就讓榮恩·衛斯理領便當,但最終決定讓他活下去。
She was holding an axe over his neck but probably felt too sorry for Hermione.
✑ 她拿著一把斧頭對著他的脖子,但可能覺得這對妙麗來說太令人難過了(所以才讓他活了下來)。
13. All the books in Dumbledore's office in the Harry Potter movies are just the Yellow Pages rebound to look old.
✑ 《哈利·波特》電影中,鄧布利多辦公室裡所有的書其實都是黃頁,重新包了書皮讓它們看起來老舊。
Caution! This fact may seriously hurt true fans of Potteriana!
✑ 當心!這個真相可能會嚴重傷害《哈利·波特》的鐵粉們!
14. Daniel Radcliffe used a total of 160 pairs of glasses during the filming of all Harry Potter movies.
✑ 丹尼爾·雷德克裡夫拍攝《哈利·波特》的全部電影期間,總計用了160副眼鏡。
He's rumoured to take a pair from the first movie and the a pair from the last for himself.
✑ 據傳他在第一部電影中和最後一部電影中各保留了一副眼鏡以作紀念。
15. Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall) battled cancer while filming the last Harry Potter movie because she didn't want to disappoint fans.
✑ 瑪姬·史密斯(麥格教授)在拍攝最後一部《哈利·波特》電影時正與癌症抗爭,因為她不想讓影迷們失望。
She was battling breast cancer, luckily she made a full recovery.
✑ 她患了乳腺癌,幸運的是她已經完全康復了。
16. After the final Harry Potter movie was released, animal sanctuaries in England were forced to deal with hundreds of abandoned pet owls.
✑ 在最後一部《哈利·波特》電影發佈後,英國動物保護區被迫處理了上千隻被遺棄的寵物貓頭鷹。
It sounds stupid but in fact owls are not good pets and should not be kept in a birdcage.
✑ 這聽起來愚蠢可笑,但事實上貓頭鷹並不是很好養的寵物,不應該把它們束縛在鳥籠子裡。
17. The dementors in Harry Potter were meant to symbolize J.K. Rowling's depression.
✑ 《哈利·波特》中的催狂魔這個人物的設定是用來象徵J.K.羅琳的抑鬱沮喪。
Depressive mood was rather inspiring for Harry Potter's creator.
✑ 抑鬱情緒給了《哈利·波特》的創作者很多靈感。
18. J.K. Rowling is officially writing a Harry Potter spin-off film series for Warner Bros.
✑ J.K.羅琳正在為華納公司創作一部《哈利·波特》衍生作品。
However the release date of the first episode is still unknown.
✑ 但是第一集的發佈日期仍然未知。
19. Hogwarts headache is a medical term used for headache due to spending many hours reading an unusually long volume such as Harry Potter.
✑ 霍格華茲頭痛是一個醫學術語,用於描述由於長時間閱讀超長小說(比如《哈利·波特》)引起的頭痛。
The pain lasts one day or two after finishing the book.
✑ 這種頭痛在讀完作品後會持續一到兩天。
20. Did anyone ever notice how in Harry Potter, the dementors never go for Ron?
✑ 有人注意過在《哈利·波特》中,催狂魔從來不會吃羅恩嗎?
They never tried to eat his soul!
✑ 他們從不吃他的靈魂!



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