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 今日主題:Wildlife Population Plummeted Since 1970

 洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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The river animals have it worst. Thanks to water extraction, dam building and other river-changing pursuits, more than three-quarters of river amphibians, fish and mammals have disappeared since 1970. That's not three quarters of species, mind you, it's three quarters of the individuals in a given population.

And it's not just the rivers. Nearly 40 percent of both land and sea animals, from sardines to elephants, have disappeared over the same time span. The numbers are from a new report from the conservation group World Wildlife Fund. [Living Planet Report 2014]

These lost animals have been replaced by either people or our domesticated animals—chickens, cows and pigs, among others. Farms to feed people displace forests that feed wildlife. And people also eat wildlife directly, from fish to bushmeat. As a result, the survey finds fewer and fewer individuals among more than 3,000 species and 10,000 populations surveyed.
這些消失的動物已經被人工蓄養或者家養的動物——雞、奶牛、豬以及其它的牲畜取代。向野生動植物提供給養的森林,被為人們提供食物的農場所取代。此外,人 們直接食用野生動植物:從魚到獸肉,無所不包。結果,在一項涉及3000多種物種和1萬人口的調查中發現個體族群越來越少。

But there is hope. The vast majority of these beleaguered species are not extinct. And in rich regions like the U.S., Europe and Japan, wildlife numbers are actually increasing: coyote, deer, turkey and other forest animals, for example, as the forest regrows along the east coast of North America. Exporting that trend could help stave off the gathering sixth mass extinction.


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