

 今日主題:Less Well-Off Donate Bigger Income Percentage

 洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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America's slowly crawling out of the great recession. On average, we're earning more. Researchers wondered how the increased income affected charitable giving. So they dove into IRS data from 2006 to 2012. They broke the data down by state, county, metropolitan area, and zip code. The results—180 billion philanthropic dollars in 2012—covered about 80 percent of individual donations to charity.

The investigators found that even though wealthier Americans, defined as those making more than $200,000 a year, were making more in 2012 than they did in 2006, they actually decreased their donations by an average of almost 5 percent.

Middle- and lower-income Americans, defined as people making less than $100,000 a year, increased their charitable giving by almost the same nearly 5 percent. This increase came despite the fact that that group was earning less, on average, than they had in 2006. The findings are in the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Even though the wealthiest Americans have decreased their donations by percentage, they still gave more than four a half billion dollars more in 2012 than they did in 2006. That's because the wealthiest Americans captured nearly all of the recession recovery. They're doing more than a trillion dollars better than they did six years earlier, in a rare case of a rising tide lifting only some boats.
儘管美國人中最富有的那部分人按比例來說,已經減少了他們的捐款,但是與2006年相比,2012年他們仍然有45億多的捐款。因為美國人中最富有的那部 分人在經濟大蕭條的恢復過程中獲益。與六年前相比,他們已經捐贈了多於一萬億的捐款,這就好像經濟上升大潮中托起的一些大船。


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