

今日主題:Special Report-- From darkness, dawn / 特別報導--衝破黑暗,走向黎明

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Special Report-- From darkness, dawn

After years of underachievement and rising violence, Mexico is at last beginning to realise its potential, says Tom Wainwright
Tom Wainwright

The Apocalypse was on its way, and it would begin in Mexico. Where elsen When archaeologists dug up Mayan calendars that ominously seemed to run out in the final days of 2012, some doomsayers predicted the end of the world. To many Mexicans it seemed like just another example of their country’s unending run of bad luck. The steepest recession on the American mainland, a plague of H 1 N 1 swine flu and a deepening war against organised crime had made the preceding few years fairly grim. In 2009 the Pentagon had given warning that Mexico could become a “ failed state ”. Armageddon would be the icing on the cake.
《聖經啟示錄》中的預言正在實現,而首當其衝的就是墨西哥。捨此其誰?考古學家挖掘出的瑪雅日曆似乎到2012年末為止,這一凶兆為部分末日論者所用,預言為世界末日。而眾多墨西哥人看來,這不過是他們無限厄運的另一實例而已。除了美洲大陸上經濟最為不佳之外,墨西哥還遭受H 1 N 1豬流感和緝毒戰爭的洗禮,其前途一片黯淡。2009年,美國五角大樓(Pentagon)警示稱,墨西哥可能成為失敗國家。《啟示錄》中的大審判Armageddon)不過給其錦上添花罷了。

But it turns out that the Mayan glyphs were misunderstood. The men with magnifying glasses now say that the world is not about to end — in fact, it seems that the Mayans were predicting something more like a renewal or a fresh start. Could the same be true of Mexicon?

This special report will argue that there is a good chance of it. Some awful years are giving way to what, if managed properly, could be a prosperous period for Latin America’s second - largest economy. Big, irreversible trends, from a falling birth rate at home to rising wages in China, are starting to move in Mexico’s favour. At the same time the country’s leaders are at last starting to tackle some of the home - grown problems that have held it back.

Many of the things that the world thinks it knows about Mexico are no longer true. A serially underachieving economy, repeatedly trumped by dynamic Braziln Mexico outpaced Brazil last year and will grow twice as fast this year. Out - of - control population growth and an endless exodus to the northn Net emigration is down to zero, if not negative, and the fertility rate will soon be lower than that of the United States. Grinding povertyn Yes, but alleviated by services such as universal free health care. A raging drug warn The failure of rich countries ' anti - drugs policies means that organised crime will not go away. But Mexico’s murder rate is now falling, albeit slowly, for the first time in five years.

A vast country with deeply ingrained problems and unreformed corners, Mexico could yet squander the opportunities that are coming its way. But there are signs that it is beginning to realise its potential. With luck, the dire predictions made by the Pentagon and others may turn out to be as reliable as a misread Mayan calendar.

Preparing to lead Mexico into this brightening future is the party most associated with its past. The Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) ran Mexico without interruption for most of the 20 th century, silencing opposition through a mixture of co - option, corruption and occasional violence. Only in 2000 did it give up its grip on power to the conservative National Action Party ( PAN ), which fielded two presidents in succession: Vicente Fox, a former executive at Coca - Cola, and Felipe Calderon, a lawyer whose father was a founding member of the party. On December 1 st Mr Calderon will hand over the presidency to the PRI’s Enrique Pena Nieto, who won a clear election victory on July 1st. A handsome 46- year - old with a gift for communication, Mr Pena claims to be the opposite of the crooked party men who ran the country in its pre - democratic days. But will the change be more than superficialn

帶領墨西哥走向光明的重任落在其歷史悠久的黨派上。革命製度黨PRI)就曾領導了墨西哥不間斷地度過20世紀的大半,期間該黨通過遊說拉攏、貪污行賄、時而付諸暴力的手段,讓反對派偃旗息鼓。直到2000年,該黨才選擇退位,由保守派的國家行動黨PAN)當政,期間先後輪替了兩位總統:曾任可口可樂(Coca - Cola)首席執行的福克斯(Vicente Fox)和擔任律師的國家行動黨元老子弟卡爾德隆(Felipe Calderon)。今年121日,卡爾德隆總統即將讓位給革命製度黨的裴納尼托(Enrique Pena Nieto),後者於今年61日的選舉中大獲全勝。46歲的裴納尼托外表俊朗、善於演講。他自稱將與那些墨西哥前民主時期當政的狡猾政客背道而馳。但他所宣稱的改革究竟能否觸及核心?

Mr Pena says his priority is to make the economy grow faster in order to reduce poverty. Nearly half the population are poor, many of them in the south ( see map ). To achieve more rapid growth he will need to introduce a series of big economic reforms, some of which Mr Calderon attempted during his presidency, only to see them get stuck in Mexico’s cantankerous Congress.

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