



After two years of vetting, the International Olympic Committee on Wednesday formally approved the inclusion of surfing, skateboarding, karate, rock climbing, baseball and softball for the 2020 summer games in Tokyo.


 Although most of the new sports are making their Olympic debut (baseball and softball were included in previous Olympic games), this announcement only secures their spot in the Tokyo games and does not guarantee inclusion in future games.


 The new sports will add 18 events and 474 athletes to the program. The Tokyo Games will now feature 33 sports and about 11,000 athletes, compared to the usual number of 28 sports and 10,500 athletes.


“新增”比賽項目在英文中可以用動詞形式的includeadd,或者名詞形式的inclusionaddtion來表示,比如:the IOC includes/adds 5 new sports for 2020 Tokyo Olympics,或者the IOC approved the addition/inclusion of five sports to the program of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

 此次東京奧運會新增的5個專案多是年輕人喜歡的,其中衝浪和滑板都屬於極限運動(extreme sports)。

 屆時,滑板比賽將分為街式滑板(street skateboarding)和公園滑板(park skateboarding),衝浪項目將只進行短板衝浪比賽(shortboard surfing)。



我們來看看裡約奧運會的比賽大項都有哪些:射箭(archery)、體操(artistic gymnastics)、跳水(diving)、田徑(athletics)、羽毛球(badminton)、籃球(basketball)、排球(volleyball)、拳擊(boxing)、皮划艇(canoe slalom)、自行車(cycling)、游泳(swimming)、馬術(equestrian)、擊劍(fencing)、足球(football)、高爾夫(golf)、手球(handball)、曲棍球(hockey)、柔道(judo)、現代五項(modern pentathlon,包括擊劍、游泳、馬術、射擊和游泳)、賽艇(rowing)、七人制橄欖球(rugby sevens)、水球(water polo)、帆船(sailing)、射擊(shooting)、乒乓球(table tennis)、跆拳道(taekwondo)、網球(tennis)、鐵人三項(triathlon,包括游泳、自行車以及跑步)、舉重(weightlifting)、摔跤(wrestling)。

其中,高爾夫重返奧運會,七人制橄欖球(rugby sevens)為新增項目。

文章來源: 2020年奧運新增五個項目






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