

今日主題:Look Up to See Latest Comet Lovejoy / 仰望最新發現的“洛夫喬伊”彗星

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Many of us search for something worth watching on TV in our spare time. In his spare time, Terry Lovejoy searches for comets—and he’s found five so far. The Australian amateur astronomer’s latest discovery is called Comet C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy), and it’s in the midst of its brightest period.
空閒時很多人喜歡在電視上搜索值得一看的節目。而特里•洛夫喬伊業餘時間喜歡搜索彗星——並且迄今為止他已發現了5顆彗星。這位澳大利亞業餘天文學家的最新發現被稱為“彗星C/2014 Q2”(又稱“洛夫喬伊”),且它正處於最燦爛的時期。

Until January 24th, the comet will be at a brightness level of 4th magnitude, which means it can be seen with the naked eye in dark, clear skies. To spot Comet Lovejoy, just look in the direction of Orion, Taurus and the Pleiades, high in the southeast sky.

Terry Lovejoy discovered this interloper from the outer solar system last August by comparing photographs taken with his backyard eight-inch telescope.

His most famous discovery is the Comet C/2011 W3, which is what’s known as a Kreutz sungrazer. In December, 2011 it flew through the sun’s corona and emerged scorched, but surprisingly still intact.
他最著名的發現是“慧星C/2011 W3”,即聞名的“克羅伊策掠日彗星”。2011年12月,它飛過太陽的日冕並被燒焦,但令人驚訝的是它仍然完好無損。

The latest Comet Lovejoy won’t get nearly as close to the sun, but it should still provide nice views in the coming early evenings, especially if you use binoculars or a telescope. After which you’ll have plenty of evening left to fit in a little TV. Another viewing of Cosmos, anyone?


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