

今日主題:From Wolf to Woof Twice / 從 狼 到“汪”是腫麼回事

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In Jack London's The Call of the Wild, a pet dog named Buck winds up in the Yukon… where he succumbs to his desire to return to his wild cousins…the wolves. [Call of the Wild clip: "It's hard to say no to that call, isn't it Buck? It's all right boy. Go ahead."]

Of course, Buck himself was the descendant of wolves. Wolves that lived more than 10,000 years ago. "At this time people would have been hunting and gathering." Laurent Frantz, a geneticist at the University of Oxford in the U.K. Humans roamed across Eurasia. They would eat, "and throw scraps around their settlement. Which attracts wildlife." Wildlife like wolves.
毋庸置疑,巴克本身是狼的後代。狼群的歷史已有1萬多年。“那時候人們是群居過著打獵的生活。” 洛朗•弗朗茨是英國牛津大學的遺傳學家。人類橫跨了歐亞大陸。人們吃飯,並並殘羹扔到部落的周圍,這就會招來野生動物,如狼群。

Over time a split would have appeared in wolf populations, he says: those wolves that feared humans, and those that didn't. "So this would have facilitated, I think, the domestication process." At which point humans deliberately took wolves as pets. But that domestication process, Frantz says, may have happened more than once: first in the west, in Europe. And again in the far east, in Asia.

Frantz and his colleagues analyzed the DNA from a 4,800-year-old Irish dog's ear bone, along with the genomes of hundreds of other modern and ancient dogs. After building a family tree, they determined that dogs could have been first domesticated in Europe, at least 15,000 years ago. But the data also point to another domestication in East Asia, more than 13,000 years ago. Sometime after that, they say, humans from East Asia wandered to Europe… and brought their dogs with them. Leading to a mixing of the two populations. The study appears in the journal Science.
弗朗茨和同事們分析了4800年前愛爾蘭狗耳骨,以及數千隻現代狗和古代狗的基因組。在創建家譜之後,他們認為至少是在15,000年前,狗首次在歐洲被 人類馴化。但是資料也顯示在13,000多年前,東亞也曾經存在馴化行為。之後,他們認為東亞人來到了歐洲,並帶來了馴化的狗。這導致兩個種群的混合。該 研究結果發表在《科學》雜誌上。

Frantz says most purebred dog breeds trace their origins to the 1800s. But as this study reminds us—if you go back far enough, all dogs are mutts.


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