
 今日主題:Cheap Oil Means Raise the Gas T-Word  石油降價!小心要提高燃油稅了


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The lubricant of the global economy is having a fire sale: a barrel of crude oil in Texasnow costs less than $50. Which makes now the perfect time to raise taxes on gas.

The U.S., of course, already has a gas tax, but it has not gone up since 1993. As a result, the things the gas tax is supposed to pay for—roads, bridges, tunnels—are crumbling. And when gas is cheap, people tend to use more of it, and they buy gas guzzling SUV’s while sales of hybrids and other fuel-efficient cars languish.
當然美國早就有燃油稅,不過自1993年以來該稅一直沒有提高過。因此,本應由這些燃油稅付錢維護的公共設施——道路、橋樑、隧道都搖搖欲墜。而且汽油價 格便宜時,人們往往會使用得更多。尤其是此時人們紛紛購買耗油的多功能汽車,導致混合動力車和其他節能型汽車市場蕭條。

As a result the air gets worse, whether you're talking about choking smog, insidious soot or, yes, climate change. A gas tax would help reduce all that damage. And it's an idea that even some tax-hating politicians have warmed to—as long as it's called a user fee instead.

And if we really want to get serious about climate change and other environmental ills, we might consider taxing all fossil fuels, which are too cheap given the health costs they impose. Such a carbon tax could help keep coal, oil and natural gas safely in the ground in favor of alternatives like electric cars and cleaner power plants. For American politicians, however, such a notion may be a bridge too far.
如果我們確實想認真對待氣候變化及其他環境問題,或許我們該考慮對所有的化石燃料徵稅。畢竟,比起那些它們帶來的高額衛生事業費,其價格實在太便宜了。這 種煙塵排放稅可以減少煤、石油和天然氣的使用,增加其他替代品如電動汽車和較清潔的發電廠的使用。然而對美國政客們來說,這樣一個概念可能就像“遙遠的 橋”一樣。


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