- Jul 19 Tue 2016 17:49
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 17:46
Cafe tries to encourage good manners by charging customers less if they say 'please' and 'thank you'
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 17:06
<經濟學人>7/19📖每天堅持閱讀與精聽經濟學人一起加強英文力與國際力 - France’s economy-- The performance gap
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 15:45
<60秒科學人>7/19📖童鞋們📖:每天堅聽60秒科學人SSS一起加強英聽 - Cats' Cunning Extends Beyond the Hunt
- Jul 19 Tue 2016 13:05
<康康老師> 關於GRE真經-填空(K)1的第27頁,我有問題~~~
- Jul 18 Mon 2016 18:40
- Jul 18 Mon 2016 18:34
As soon as you wake up, place a phone call to whoever is expecting you, informing them you'll be late this morning.
This person will, most likely, be your immediate supervisor. This will remove all doubt as to your whereabouts. It is advisable to express some type of regret during the call and that you'll be there within ____ minutes. Be generous on your time estimate and arrive before then.
whereabouts:既可作名詞也可以作副詞,末尾的s不是複數的意思,不能省略。作名詞時,意為(人或物)所在的地方;下落;行蹤。例句:His whereabouts are/is still unknown.他仍然下落不明。當whereabouts作副詞時,表示(用以詢問大概的地方)在什麼地方,在哪裡。例句:Whereabouts did you find it? 你在哪兒找到它的?在上文裡,指的是睡過頭的員工得通知公司的同事或上司你得晚到的消息,以免大家擔心你的行蹤。
time estimate: estimate在此作名詞,與time組成短語,意為“大概時間”,也就是對到達公司所用的時間的估計。
Something along the lines of this should do. Don't chit chat.
Don't try to make up a dumb excuse that you believe will sound semi-plausible. Just get ready as quickly as possible and get your butt to work. Don't speed, endangering the lives of innocent others. You'll probably want to give up your daily morning visit to Starbucks on the way.
chit chat: 非正式文體,意為閒聊,聊天。同義詞是chat。
plausible: 形容詞,有兩種解釋:1)有道理的,可信的;2)巧言令色的;花言巧語的。此處為第一種意思,類似的例句有:Her story sounded perfectly plausible.她的說辭聽起來言之有理。在本文裡semi-plausible,詞綴semi- 有“半,部分”的意思。在這裡整句話意為捏造讓自己覺得聽起來還挺可信的藉口。
When you arrive at the office, there is no need to make a big announcement to everyone to why you were late. Honestly, your co-workers don't really care. Just have a seat and start your day.
Depends upon the reason and how I feel at the time. 這得取決於睡過頭的原因以及當下的身體狀況。
If I overslept because I am ill, I always call in absent to work.
Unless they ABSOLUTELY need me (which is very rare) it’s better, in my opinion for me to stay home and get well than it is to go into work and do a half-assed job on a shortened work day.
half-assed job:不稱職的工作, 沒有完整計畫的。
acutely: 詞根是acute,形容詞,意為“嚴重的(情況);劇烈的(疼痛);敏銳的(觀察力);急性的(疾病)”,在此acutely sensitive表示對……強烈敏感。
If it was because I couldn’t sleep or didn’t sleep well, I go to work.
While I’m tired, my not being able to sleep (unless it was because of illness) is my problem, not my employer’s. I call in, state that I’m going to be late and then go to work.
If/when I overslept due to my excessive use of alcohol the night before I still go into work.
I get up, call my boss tell him/her that I overslept and I get to work as soon as possible. Again, my overindulgence is my issue, so I go in and take my lumps.
overindulgence: indulgence意為縱欲,放縱,動詞形式是indulge。首碼over-有“超過,多於,過度”的意思。在上文意為對酒精攝入過度放縱自己,也就是毫無節制地喝酒。
- Jul 18 Mon 2016 18:29
- Jul 18 Mon 2016 18:24
任何好的習慣,都需要從小養成,並且需要有良好的品格做基礎。只有致力於品格的培養,孩子成長的大樹,才能堅固長久,經得起風雨考驗。在美國,有一本講述孩子品格習慣養成的書備受推崇,叫做《The 7 Habits of Happy Kids》(快樂孩子的7個習慣)。很多美國學校根據這本書的內容,給學生們畫了一個“7個習慣樹 / The 7 Habits Tree ”-的海報,作為孩子們品格教育的參照綱領。這些海報被貼在教室裡和家裡,時時刻刻提醒孩子們注意自己的想法和言行。今天,我們就一起來看看美國人是如何塑造孩子的良好品格的。
The 7 Habits Tree 7個習慣樹