
 今日主題:Vaccination--A jab in time 疫苗—及時一針

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Vaccination--A jab in time

Some Western countries have lower vaccination rates than poor parts of Africa. Anti-vaxxers are not the main culprits

ERADICATING a disease is the sort of aim that rich countries come up with, and poor ones struggle to reach. But for some diseases, the pattern is reversed. These are the ailments for which vaccinations exist. Many poor countries run highly effective vaccination programmes. But as memories of the toll from infectious diseases fades across the rich world, in some places they are making a comeback.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) reckons that vaccines save 2.5m lives a year. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980 with the help of a vaccine; polio should soon follow. In both cases, rich countries led the way. The new pattern looks very different.

The trend is most evident for measles, which is highly contagious. At least 95% of people must be vaccinated to stop its spread (a threshold known as “herd immunity”). Although usually mild, it can lead to pneumonia and cause brain damage or blindness. The countries with the lowest vaccination rates are all very poor, but many developing countries run excellent programmes (see chart). Eritrea, Rwanda and Sri Lanka manage to vaccinate nearly everyone. By contrast several rich countries, including America, Britain, France and Italy, are below herd immunity.
這種新趨勢在傳染性極高的麻疹中體現最為明顯。為阻止它的傳播,至少95%的人必須接種麻疹疫苗(95%為群體免疫力的一個已知閾值)。儘管疫苗通常是溫 和的,但它仍可能導致肺炎、腦損傷和失明等後遺症。疫苗接種率最低的國家都很貧窮,但是許多發展中國家卻實施良好的疫苗接種方案(見下圖)。其中,厄立特 里亞國,盧旺達和斯里蘭卡設法讓每個人接種疫苗。與之相對的是,包括美國、英國、法國、義大利在內的發達國家低於群體免疫力的閾值。

Last year Europe missed the deadline it had set itself in 2010 to eradicate measles, and had almost 4,000 cases. America was declared measles-free in 2000; in 2014 it had hundreds of cases across 27 states and last year saw its first death from the disease in more than a decade. The trends for other vaccine-preventable diseases, such as rubella, which can cause congenital disabilities if a pregnant woman catches it, are alarming, too.
2015年,歐洲不僅沒有實現自己制定的在2010年消滅麻疹這一目標,相反還出現了近4000例麻疹病例。2000年,美國宣佈根除麻疹;直到2014 年,全美27個州仍然有數以百計的麻疹病例湧現,且2015年出現了近十年來首例麻疹死亡事件。其它一些可通過注射疫苗預防的疾病的趨勢令人驚恐,例如風疹(若孕婦患上風疹,可導致新生兒患先天性疾病)等。

This sorry state of affairs is often blamed on hardline “anti-vaxxers”, parents who refuse all vaccines for their children. They are a motley lot. The Amish in America spurn modern medicine, along with almost everything else invented since the 17th century. Some vegans object to the use of animal-derived products in vaccines' manufacture. The Protestant Dutch Reformed Church thinks vaccines thwart divine will. Anthroposophy, founded in the 19th century by Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian mystic-cum-philosopher, preaches that diseases strengthen children’s physical and mental development.
人們通常將這一窘境歸咎於強硬的“反疫苗者”,即拒不讓孩子接種任何疫苗的家長,例如,美國的蒙諾教派排斥現代醫學,以及幾乎自17世紀以來的所有發明 物;部分素食主義者反對疫苗製作中使用動物製品;新教荷蘭歸正教會則認為疫苗阻止了神的旨意;奧地利神秘主義者兼哲學家魯道夫•斯坦納於19世紀提出了人 智說,鼓吹疾病可以促進孩子的身體及智力發育。

In most countries such refuseniks are only 2-3% of parents. But because they tend to live in clusters, they can be the source of outbreaks. A bigger problem, though, is the growing number of parents who delay vaccination, or pick and choose jabs. Studies from America, Australia and Europe suggest that about a quarter of parents fall into this group, generally because they think that the standard vaccination schedule, which protects against around a dozen diseases, “overloads” children’s immune systems, or that particular vaccines are unsafe. Some believe vaccines interfere with “natural immunity”. Many were shaken by a claim, later debunked, that there was a link between autism and the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps and rubella.
在大多數國家,僅有2%-3%的家長是上述提及的反疫苗者。然而,因為他們大多為群居生活,這可能使得他們成為疾病爆發的源頭。一個更大的問題是,越來越 多的父母推遲接種或者選擇性接種疫苗。來自美國,澳大利亞和歐洲的研究結果表明,約四分之一的父母已經加入這個陣營,通常是由於他們認為接種疫苗的安排 (為了防止十幾種疾病而不斷的注射疫苗)會導致孩子的免疫系統“超負荷”,或者一些特殊疫苗不夠安全。一些人認為疫苗干預了“自然免疫力”。許多人曾被一 個說法所動搖,該說法聲稱麻疹、腮腺炎、風疹三聯疫苗(MMR疫苗)會導致自閉症——這一說法後遭拆穿。

In America, some poor children miss out on vaccines despite a federal programme to provide the jabs free, since they have no regular relationship with a family doctor. Some outbreaks in eastern Europe have started in communities of Roma (gypsies). Members of this poor and ostracised minority are shunned by health workers and often go unvaccinated.


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