
 今日主題:Gardening 園藝帶來的樂趣


1. 先聽兩三遍 (不看文稿)
2. 再一句一句聽寫 (每句都要聽寫數遍,直到寫出85%以上的字)
3. 最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。
4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。

 MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~


Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Sophie…
And I’m Neil… What did you do at the weekend, Sophie?
I did a spot of gardening.
So, you are you a keen gardener?
Yes, I am, Neil. And gardening is the subject of today’s show! Now why don’t we start with a quiz question?
Good idea.
What percentage of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier, according to a survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society? Is it…a) 22% b) 52% Or c) 82%?
根據皇家園藝學會的調查,在英國多少人表示園藝令他們心情更加愉快?a) 22%b) 52%還是c) 82%?
Well, I’ll guess: b) 52%.
我猜一下,選b) 52%。
Well, we’ll find out later on if you got it right or not. So, does gardening make you happy, Neil?
Well, I tried to grow some tomatoes once. And to be honest it made me rather anxious. All the leaves curled up… and then dropped off.
Did you get any tomatoes?
So you don’t have green fingers, then? Why are you looking at your fingers, Neil? I wasn’t asking whether you literally have green fingers! Having green fingers means a natural ability for growing plants. It’s funny you should say gardening makes you anxious because other people find it calming and relaxing.
所以說你沒有園藝技能,是吧?你看你的手指幹什麼?我不是說字面意義上的綠手指。“Having green fingers”是指具有栽培植物的天賦。你說園藝令你很焦躁,挺有意思,因為其他人都覺得園藝可以讓人安靜和放鬆下來。
Do they? Do you?
Yes, I do. Being in the fresh air, in all weathers, communing with nature…
Sounds very unpleasant!
In all weathers means something you do in all types of weather – rain, snow, sunshine.And communing with nature means feeling close to nature, and being a part of it.
Well, when I tried communing with nature my hands got all scratched – I got stung by nasty creepy-crawlies – and I got soil up my nose. I didn’t enjoy it at all.
Try wearing protective clothing next time – and maybe a nose plug too! A creepy-crawly is a small insect, by the way.
So do you like getting your hands dirty, Sophie?
Yes, I love it. And it turns out there might be a good reason for this. Dr Christopher Lowry from the University of Colorado conducted an experiment to test whether soil gives us a natural high – meaning to make us happy without taking drugs. He injected a bacterium commonly found in soil into mice to see what affect this would have on them.Let’s hear what he said in this BBC programme.
喜歡啊。而且事實證明這是有原因的。科羅拉多大學的Christopher Lowry教授做了一個實驗,測試土壤是否會讓我們自然而然地開心,也就是不使用藥物而感到興奮。他將土壤中常見的一種細菌注入小白鼠體內,觀察會對其產 生什麼作用。我們來聽聽他在BBC節目中所說的。
Rodents like mice and rats are very good swimmers and it was found many years ago that if you treat animals with antidepressant drugs and then put the animals in just a beaker of water it would cause the animals to swim for longer periods of time.
After injecting the mice with the bacterium Dr Lowry placed them in a cup of water.
These mice that had been injected with bacterium swam during a 6-minute test for a longer period of time than animals that just got a placebo.
So the bacterium had a similar effect on the mice as an antidepressant drug might. When we dig in soil we ingest – or absorb – the bacterium through our lungs or cuts in our skin. A placebo, by the way, is a substance with no physical effects that is used when testing a drug. So here one group of mice were injected with the bacterium and another group were injected with the placebo. And since the mice seemed happier when treated with soil bacteria, there’s a good chance we would too.
所以這種細菌在老鼠身上所產生的作用和抗抑鬱藥類似。當我們挖土時,我們會通過肺吸入這種細菌,或者通過皮膚上的創口進入體內。順便說一下安慰劑是一種在 測試藥物時不會產生任何物理反應的物質。所以一組老鼠被注射細菌,另一組被注射安慰劑。注入土壤細菌的老鼠似乎更加開心,所以我們人類也會這樣。
Let’s move on and hear about how gardening can be therapeutic – or used to try and treat addiction. Here’s Scot Stephenson, a recovering alcoholic, who is learning to garden to help cure him.
接下來我們聽聽園藝有怎樣的療效,如何被用於治療上癮。Scot Stephenson曾經酗酒,如今正在進行戒酒治療,他正在學習如何利用園藝戒酒。
I left school early or should I say I got expelled...came here, I got my NVQ level 2 which is my first qualification and enjoyed it ever since.
So Scot Stephenson was expelled from school – he was forced to leave – with no qualifications. But with the help of a support group he now has an NVQ – that’s a National Vocational Qualification here in Britain – in gardening.
所以Scot Stephenson被開除了,沒有拿到任何學歷。但是在支持小組的幫助下,他拿到了園藝方面的國家職業資格證書(NVQ)。
That’s right. At a centre in the UK, recovering alcoholics have been given the opportunity to plant, grow, and even sell their produce. These addicts are literally breaking their addiction by breaking the soil.
Nicely phrased, Sophie!
Thank you! Now, are you ready, Neil, for the answer to today’s quiz question?
I am.
I asked: What percentage of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier, according to a survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society? Is it… a) 22%, b) 52% or c) 82%?
我問你:根據皇家園藝學會的調查,在英國多少人表示園藝令他們心情更加愉快?a) 22% b) 52%還是c) 82%?
I guessed b) 52%. I’m wrong, aren’t I?
我選的是b) 52%。我答錯了,是不是?
Oh, you are Neil, I’m sorry. The percentage of people who really enjoy gardening is much higher. You should have chosen option c). A survey from the Royal Horticultural Society has shown that Brits truly are a nation of gardeners with 82% saying it makes them feel happier. The results also revealed that 70% said that given the choice, they would prefer to spend their working day in the garden with just 9% opting for an office and 21% undecided.
Well, I’m with the 9% I’m afraid. Now can we hear the words we learned today, Sophie?
They are:
green fingers 有園藝技能
in all weathers 不論天氣如何,風雨無阻
communing with nature 與自然親密接觸
creepy-crawly 爬蟲
natural high 自然而然的興奮
ingest 攝取
placebo 安慰劑
therapeutic 治療的
expelled 被開除
NVQ 國家職業資格證書
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English. Now go back outside Sophie and get your hands dirty! Please do join us again soon!

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