

【AGRICULTURE 農業】:field 田地
1. terrace[ˋtɛrəs] n. 梯形;梯田
Terraces are a series of flat areas built like steps on the side of a hill so that crops can be grown there.
2. ridge [rɪdʒ] n. 田埂
A ridge is a long, narrow piece of raised land of area.
3. furrow [ˋfɝo] n. 犁溝
A farmer makes furrows as a thin, long channel to plant seeds or to allow water to flow along.In the farming land, furrows are in lines ready for planting.
4. dike [daɪk] n. 堤;壩 (=dyke = ditch)
Dike is a wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area.
5. noria [ˋnorɪə] n. 水車
Noria is a water wheel with buckets used to raise water from a stream, especially for transfer to an irrigation channel.


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