

 今日主題:Apple Pay Perturbs Prying Personal Prospectors

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Apple's efforts to improve your digital privacy have met with surprisingly strong resistance from companies and agencies that want your info. Seems that confidentiality hampers efforts to track buying habits—and bad guys.

The controversy revolves around what's called Apple Pay. By employing the newly released payment system, users of the latest i-devices can now buy things without flashing a credit or debit card. Google's offered a similar digital wallet for years, but Apple's version will not collect transaction info or store card numbers on your device.
爭論涉及到所謂的「蘋果支付」(Apple Pay是蘋果公司在2014蘋果秋季新品發佈會上發佈的一種基於NFC的手機支付功能)。通過使用這個新發行的支付系統,使用蘋果最新電子產品的用戶可以 不用刷卡就能購買東西。谷歌已經使用一個類似的數字錢包好幾年了,但是蘋果公司的版本不會收集你電子設備上的交易信息或者存儲卡號碼。

Many retailers have bought in to Apple Pay. It promises to be more secure than plastic, and companies such as Staples need all the help they can get when it comes to data security. But other outfits, including retail giants Walmart and Best Buy, have rejected the Apple Pay technology because it prevents them from tracking customer-purchasing preferences. They're working on a rival smartphone payment app called CurrentC.
許多零售商引進「蘋果支付」,「蘋果支付」承諾比其它的信用卡和公司更安全,比如:關於數據安全的問題方面,史泰博公司(Staples)能得到所有的幫 助。但是其它的公司,包括:零售業巨頭沃爾瑪和百思買集團(Best Buy)都拒絕了「蘋果支付」技術,因為它阻礙了他們跟蹤調查顧客的購買喜好。他們致力於打造一款有競爭力的叫「CurrentC」的智能手機支付應用程 序。

Meanwhile, law enforcement has demonized Apple over iOS 8, which pass code-protects photos and other info on the newest iPhones and iPads. Apple doesn't store the pass codes, so it cannot turn them over even if there's a warrant. Google will offer similar device encryption in an upcoming version of Android.

Apple exerted its will on the music and publishing industries. We'll see if the company has the clout to now move the needle on privacy.
—Larry Greenemeier



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