
今日主題:Plastic Pollution Perturbs Oyster Offspring 塑料污染影響牡蠣後代

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As many as 12 million tons of plastic waste end up in the world's oceans every year, according to a 2015 estimate in the journal Science. Over time, wind and waves grind and chew that plastic trash into tiny bits of what's called "microplastic"— which happen to be about the same size and shape as the micro algae that filter feeders like oysters snack on. Meaning oysters can ingest it.
根據2015年《科技》雜誌估計,每年有1200萬的塑料垃圾投擲到世界海洋。隨著時間的推移,風和海浪的研磨、咀嚼,這些塑料垃圾就變成了極小的“微塑 料”——而這些微塑料的大小以及形狀和牡蠣這些濾食性動物所食用的微型海藻的大小相同。這也就意味著牡蠣可以消化這些微型塑料。

To find out the effects of consuming the debris, researchers at the French Institute for Ocean Studies raised oysters in water polluted with plastic microbeads, in concentrations similar to those observed in field studies. The shellfish sucked up the six-micrometer-wide plastic particles extremely efficiently—as they evolved to do with the tiny algae.

Two months later, the oysters exposed to microplastics produced half as many eggs and slower swimming sperm than did oysters that fed on algae alone. Perhaps, the researchers say, because plastic interferes with the oysters' energy uptake. And the offspring of the plastic- eaters were also smaller and slower-growing than the progeny of control oysters. The study is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The scientists say oysters will probably survive in spite of plastic pollution—they're still prolific reproducers. But until we clean up our act, there's no question we're giving them a raw deal.


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