

今日主題:Ancient Human Ancestors Heard Differently  遠古人類與現代人類的聽力差別

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Imagine the evolutionary advantage of being able to hear a predator rustling in the tall grass nearby—or in the ability to hear a comrade making a sound to warn you about that predator. Now a study finds that early human species may have had sharper hearing incertain frequencies than we enjoy. The finding is in the journal Science Advances.

“We’ve been able to reconstruct an aspect of sensory perception in a fossil human ancestor known as Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus from South Africa.”

Binghamton University anthropologist Rolf Quam.
Binghamton大學的人類學家Rolf Quam說道。

“Both of these fossil forms lived about two million years ago and represent early human ancestors. We took CT scans of the skulls. We created virtual reconstructions on the computer of the internal structures of the ear that will predict how an organism hears based on these measurements of its ear.”

And the reconstructed physiology reveals that those early hominins likely heard differently than both modern chimps and modern humans.

Specifically, the hominins were probably more sensitive to frequencies associated with sounds like t, k, f and s.

“We’re not arguing they had language, but we think our results do have implications for how they communicated. And the finding is that this hearing pattern would have been beneficial if you were engaging in short-range vocal communication in an open environment.”

The estimation of the hearing abilities of the hominins complements previous research suggesting that these species spent more time in open environments such as the savannah—where a hasty, short-range consonant from a comrade might convey important information—than they spent in dense rainforests, where sound travels farther. Could be that [consonant sounds] were survival tools that also paved the way for the evolution of full-fledged human language. Even if we can’t hear those sounds quite as well as those ancient hominins did.
對這類人種中出現的聽力能力的估計是對之前相關研究的一種補充,提示我們這些物種在開放環境,比如大草原中,消耗的時間更多——在那裡,從同伴中那裡得到 的一種急促短距離的輔音聲響也許傳遞的是重要資訊——比他們在茂密的雨林中消耗的時光更多,那裡的聲音可以傳播更遠些。也許是這種聲音是一種生存工具,為 將要出現的完全成熟的人類的語言的進化進行鋪墊。即便我們現在已經不能聽到那些和我們祖先聽到的一樣的那些聲音了。


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