
今日主題:Eat Slowly and Breathe Smoothly to Enhance Taste 细嚼慢嚥味道好

洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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Ever lose your ability to taste during a cold, because your nose is stuffed up? That’s because the nose is intimately involved with taste. When you chew, volatile flavor compounds from the food get lofted toward the back of your mouth. And when you exhale you carry some of those flavor compounds up into your nasal cavity, where they hit olfactory receptors.

"As children we basically learn, the first lesson of table manners is to keep the mouth closed while chewing, and you also want to breathe smoothly." Rui Ni, a mechanical engineer at Penn State. "I think not only because it's courteous, but you can also smell the food much better if you breathe smoothly."
The backdoor by which smell contributes to taste is called "retronasal olfaction." And it turns out our airways are exquisitely tuned to enhance that effect.

Ni and his colleagues 3D-printed a model of a woman's airway, using a CT scan as a template. To track airflow, they laced water with fluorescent particles and pumped it through the apparatus, filming the results. They found that when you breathe in, that inward airflow actually forms a curtain at the back of your mouth, blocking food particles from getting into the lungs--a good thing. And when you exhale, air swirls through that cavity in the back of the mouth, sweeping up those volatile particles and delivering them right to the nasal cavity, where you can smell them. The results appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
倪瑞和自己的同事利用3D列印技術模擬了女性的呼吸道,使用CT掃描作為範本。為了跟蹤氣流,他們在水內混合螢光粒子,並利用裝置抽取水,然後拍攝記錄結 果。倪瑞他們發現,人體在吸氣時,向內的氣流實際上會在口腔內後部形成遮蔽,阻止食物粒子進入肺部——這是好事。當人體在呼氣時,氣體在口腔後部形成漩 渦,清掃那些有氣味的食物顆粒,將他們送入鼻腔,這樣你就能聞到食物的味道。該研究結果發表在《美國國家科學學院院刊》雜誌上。

There is a way to derail this well-tuned system: the effect's ruined if you're really huffing and puffing. Meaning if you're wolfing down your food, gasping for air, that turbulent breathing actually delivers more of those food molecules into your lungs and less up into the nasal cavity. In other words, your mother was right all along: keep your mouth shut and don’t bolt your food. It’ll cut the chances of choking, and enhance the taste of the meal.
有一種方法還可以破壞這樣調節系統:如果你暴怒時,就會摧毀這種效果。即如果你吃食物時狼吞虎嚥同時大口大口地喘著粗氣,那麼呼吸紊亂會將更多的食物分子 送進肺中,而只有少量的食物顆粒會進入鼻腔。換而言之,媽媽說的是對的:吃飯時要閉嘴慢嚼、不要狼吞虎嚥。這樣會減少窒息的可能性,提高食物的味道。

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