
今日主題:Stone Age Pottery Reveals Signs of Beekeeping 石器時代陶器揭露人類養蜂歷史

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You have bees to thank every time you drizzle some honey into your tea. And the human-honeybee relationship is long-standing. Iconography of honeybees adorns 4400-year-old walls in ancient Egypt. Rock art has been found that depicts a stone age bee harvest. But exactly when early farmers began to exploit bees has been unclear.

Those farmers exploited bees for more than honey. Research has shown that they also employed the beeswax for cosmetics, fuel, medicine, and to perform rituals.

Beeswax contains complex fats that leave a recognizable www.chinavoa.com residue on pottery and other archaeological artifacts. And scientists have now used that beeswax residue to analyze what they’ve determined to be the earliest known human-and-bee association, dating back some 9,000 years.

The researchers surveyed Europe, the Near East and northern Africa. They found beeswax on pottery vessels from Neolithic farming sites in Anatolia, in or near modern-day Turkey. They also discovered the first evidence of beeswax at Neolithic sites in Northern Africa. And the lack of wax residues in Ireland, Scotland and the Scandanavian peninsula led them to conclude that those locations were above what must have been a northern limit for honeybees. The study is in the journal Nature.
研究人員調查了歐洲、近東以及北非地區。他們在安納托利亞、近現代土耳其的新石器農業考古點出土的陶器上發現了蜂蠟殘留物。同時研究人員還首次在北非的新 石器考古點發現了蜂蠟。而愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭以及Scandanavian半島未發現蜂蠟殘留物。因此,研究人員認為,這些地區一定是蜜蜂的北部邊界地區。該 研究結果發表在《自然》雜誌上。

The researchers say that the beeswax residues at these human-occupied sites may be clues pointing to the very beginnings of bee domestication. With thousands of years of sweet results for us all.


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