今日主題:Moon-Smashing Meteorite Recorded by Astronomers
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The moon has taken its fair share of beatings, as its craters attest. And last fall the moon took the biggest impact we've ever seen, when a huge meteorite slammed into the area known as the Mare Nubium basin.
月球已經得到足夠多的傷害了,因為有月球上的火山口作證明。並且,去年秋天,月球遭受了我們所見範圍內最大的一次沖擊,當時一個巨型隕石撞擊被稱為Mare Nubium盆地的區域。
Spanish astronomers spotted the September 11th collision using a telescope network that automatically scans the moon. The impact vaporized rock and created a flash of light brighter and longer than any we've ever recorded on the moon's surface.
The compact-car sized meteorite smashed into the moon at 61,000 kilometers per hour. The ensuing explosion had the force of 15 tons of TNT, creating a new crater 40 meters wide. Anyone on Earth who happened to be moon-gazing at the time would have seen a flash almost as bright as the North Star. [See video of the impact.]
The moon gets pummeled by space rocks more often than Earth does because it lacks our protective atmosphere. The friction from passing through this blanket of air burns up most incoming meteors, letting through only the largest ones. Without such a shield, the moon is defenseless . Poor moon. But hey—better it than Earth!
月球比地球遭受了更多的宇宙岩石的撞擊,因為它缺少我們地球外起保護作用的大氣層。從外到裡穿過的這種覆蓋空氣層燃燒掉大部分進入的隕石,只有最大的才能通過。沒有這樣一個屏障,月球是毫無防備的。可憐的月球。但是,嘿—— 還好不是我們地球沒有防備。