今日主題:Guys Prefer Electric Shocks to Boredom
洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science
1. 先聽兩三遍 (不看文稿)
2. 再一句一句聽寫 (每句都要聽寫數遍,直到寫出85%以上的字)
3. 最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。
4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。
MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~
How often have you longed to have time to just sit quietly and think? Well, be careful what you wish for. Because a study shows that many people find such interludes incredibly unpleasant. So uncomfortable, in fact, that they would rather zap themselves with electricity than be left alone with their thoughts. The shocking results appear in the journal Science. [Timothy D. Wilson et al, Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind]
你經常渴望可以有時間靜靜的坐著想事情嗎?那樣的話,你得小心你會有這樣的盼望了。因為一項研究表明,很多人發現這樣靜靜的思考間歇時間段讓人感覺非常的 不愉快。實際上,讓人感覺很不舒服,他們寧願用電流電擊自己,也不願意獨自在那思考。這令人震驚的研究結果被發表在《科學》雜誌上。
In the experiment, participants were asked to sit alone in a room for up to 15 minutes…with no cell phone, no reading material, no music—so, nothing to entertain them, save their own rambling thoughts. Afterward, most subjects reported that they found it difficult to concentrate and that they did not enjoy the experience. You can find more 60-Second Science on chinavoa.com.
Then, to assess just how much subjects disliked doing nothing, the researchers repeated the experiment. Only this time they gave volunteers the added option of occasionally giving themselves a mild electric jolt. Two thirds of the men in the study—and one quarter of the women—chose to take advantage of the shock option at least once during their time out.
The results suggest that if there’s anything worse than losing your mind, it’s getting caught alone with it.
—Karen Hopkin