今日主題:Lose Your Job? Good for the Rest of Us
洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science
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Losing your job is bad—for you. But it could be good for the rest of us. Because a study shows that a recession lowers mortality in the population overall—even as the out-of-work individual's risk of death rises. That paradoxical finding appears in the American Journal of Epidemiology. [José A. Tapia Granados et al.: Individual Joblessness, Contextual Unemployment, and Mortality Risk]
It's easy to imagine that the stress of getting canned could pave the way to an untimely demise. But can joblessness really improve societal survival? To find out, researchers examined data from the US Department of Labor and a 20-year survey of so-called 「income dynamics.」 And they found that job loss is linked to a 73 percent rise in the probability of death for the newly unemployed—the equivalent of adding 10 years to his or her age.
如果說失業的壓力會加速死亡的話,我們會很容易理解。但是說失業可以提高社會生存力,這會是真的嗎?為了找到答案,研究人員對來自美國勞工部的一個被稱為 「收入動態」的長達20年的調查數據做了研究檢查,他們發現對於新的失業者來說,失去工作和73%的死亡率相關,也就是說失業的人會多活差不多10年。
At the same time, parsing the data state by state, the researchers found that people in general live longer during an economic downturn—an extra year for each percentage-point rise in unemployment.
One possible explanation: when the economy is strong, people commute more and sleep less—raising the risk of car crashes and job-related injuries. Such accidents are less likely when folks are sitting on their couches polishing up their resumes.
—Karen Hopkin