1 怎麼念電話號碼 Giving numbers
l 222讀作triple two;
l 3344讀作double three, double four;
l 5555可以讀作double five, double five
2 郵箱地址怎麼說 Saying email addresses
l @ 讀作 “at”,所以,John@gmail.com就是"John, at, gmail, dot, com"。
l / 讀作"forward slash"。
l –讀作 "hyphen" or a "dash"。
l _ 讀作 "underscore"。
3 接通電話 Getting through
A: Can I speak to Mr Smith, please? / Is Mr Smith there, please?
B: May I ask who's calling? / Could I have your name, please?
A: Yes, this is Tom Cruise speaking.
4 留信息 Leaving or taking a message
l I'm afraid Mr Smith is out of the office today.
l off sick today.
l in a meeting.
l on holiday.
l I'm afraid his line is engaged.
A: Would you like to leave a message?
B: Could you ask him to call me back? / Could you ask him to return my call?