
【# 44-Task1題目】
Talk about a special job you have had in the past or would like to have in the future.

題目類別:Opening Question

答題要點:本題問考生做過的或者之後想做的工作,基本上同學用準備過的題目,有不少題材可以使用。例如:之前準備過有些三選一的題目問,你比較喜歡做哪個工作 business owner,painter 或者 nurse,都是可以用同樣的職業來說明答案,重點在解釋為什麼想做,或者具體說為什麼喜歡這個工作。

✿Sample answer:
I would like to be an actor in the future. There are two reasons. First, that’s my dream. I took an interest in performing at a young age. I admired at those beautiful actors in the movie because they can experience different lives in different plays, however, ordinaries like us have one life only. For example, playing a doctor, I can experience how doctors care for their patients while playing a teacher,I can experience how they use different teaching methods to educate students. Besides, it is also a lucrative job. Good actors normally earn big salaries. Especially for those famous actors after signed up by Hollywood, they can earn at least one million for a movie.


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