單位主管:你目前(或上一份工作)的待遇是多少?How much do you make now? (Or how much did you make at your last job?)
I am presently (or was) making 35 thousand dollars plus 2 months in year-end bonus.
I am (or was) making less than average pay.
I am sorry but I'd rather not answer your question because these two jobs are totally different in nature. It's apples and oranges. This job has nothing to do with my current (or last) job. Would you be able to tell me what starting salary I should expect?
What is your expected salary? (That's more than we had planned.)
Based on my education/skills/experiences relevant to this job, my ideal is 35 thousand but not lower than 30 thousand a month. (I believe this is very reasonable.)
I am looking for something in the low 40 thousand range. (You will find I am worth every dollar that you pay me.)
I would like to have 55 to 60 thousand (but that's negotiable).