17 questions you should never ask at the end of a job interview
When you're in the hot seat, there's a good chance your interviewer will turn the tables at some point and ask, "Do you have any questions for me?"
When you have the floor, you'll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to show that you've done your homework and to determine if the job is a good fit.
But it's imperative that you put just as much thought into what you ask as you do your responses to their questions, because your queries may reflect your knowledge of the company, your work ethic, your level of professionalism, and your interest in the role.
"In the first interview, you'll want to be sure to ask the right questions. Ask about the job and company; not questions that can come off as self-serving and give the impression you may not be a team player or be willing to give 100%," says Amy Hoover, president of the job board.
She continued: "The sole purpose of the interview is to determine if you are a good fit for the company, and if it's a good fit for you. All the other issues and concerns should be addressed during negotiations after the job offer has been made."
Here are 17 questions you'll want to avoid during the first job interview, as they may do more harm than good:
✪ What does your company do?
Questions like this will make you look unprepared. To avoid that, never ask anything that can easily be answered with a Google search.
✪ What will my salary be?
Hold off on the money talk.
✪ Will I have to work long hours?
This says, "I'm lazy."
✪ How soon can I take a vacation?
Wait until you're offered the job before you start asking these types of questions.
✪ How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?
Focus on the job at hand.
✪ When will I be eligible for a raise?
This may tell the interviewer that money is the only thing you care about.
✪ Will I have my own office?
Does it really matter?
✪ What happens if I don't get along with my boss or coworkers?
The interviewer may wonder if you've had problems with colleagues in the past — and they may even assume you're difficult to work with.
✪ Will I have an expense account?
There's really no reason to ask this in the interview. Plus, it sends the wrong message.
✪ Are you married?/Do you have kids?/etc.
Never, ever ask the interviewer any personal questions.
✪ Can I make personal calls during the day?
This one says you're not 100% focused on your work.
✪ I heard this rumor about the CEO. Is it true?
You should never bring gossip into a job interview. It's highly unprofessional.
✪ Do you monitor emails or internet usage?
This question will raise red flags — something you definitely don't want to do in the interview.
✪ Do you do background checks?
This one may also make the interviewer suspicious.
✪ Can I arrive early or leave late, as long as I get my work done?
Don't try to make adjustments to the schedule before you've even been offered the job.
✪ How did I do?
This one puts the interviewer on the spot. If you really want feedback, wait until you get the offer or rejection, and then ask in an email what you did well, or could have done better.
✪ Did I get the job?
You don't want to appear too eager.
Bonus: The worst question of all is the one you never ask.
"Not asking questions can be just as bad, or worse, than asking terrible questions," says Deborah Shane, a career author, speaker, and media consultant. "It can reveal a lot about your communication skills, personality, and confidence — and it can leave the interviewer with a bad impression of you."
- Dec 30 Wed 2015 12:55
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Receiving an invitation for a job interview can be an exciting time – especially after you’ve been job-searching for a while.
Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to kill off all your chances of getting a job by saying just a few wrong words during your job interview.
To make sure your job interview leads to the next round or a job offer, here’s a list of words which you should aim to avoid.
♞ Um.. 嗯…♞
The biggest problem with this word is that you’re probably unaware of how much you use it. 這個詞的最大問題就在於你可能沒有意識到你用它用的有多頻繁。
If you listened to a recording of yourself, you’d probably be surprised (and probably horrified) at the amount of “umming” you do.
Unfortunately, this makes you look less polished during a job interview.
One of the best ways to remove this filler from your vocabulary is to let your friends and family know that you want their help and they can profit from it. Tell them that you’ll pay a dollar to every person who catches you using it.
♞ Kinda 有一點 ♞
Not only does this word make you sound like a teenager, it also introduces vagueness into your answers.
To make sure you come across confident and mature, replace “kinda” with clear “yes” or “no”. Follow your answer with a clear reason why you’ve taken that position.
♞ Hate 憎恨 ♞
Nobody likes a hater. When a hiring manager or recruiter hears you say that word, they hear “high risk candidate”.
Avoid aiming this word at anyone or anything during your job interview. This includes “pet hates”, as well as feelings towards companies, ex-colleagues and – especially – bosses you’ve had.
♞ Any Curse Word 任何咒駡詞 ♞
Even if you think the company culture might find such words acceptable, don’t risk it at the interview stage.
You’re risking coming across as unprofessional and crass.
♞ Perfectionist 完美主義者 ♞
This is the most popular among overused, meaningless cliches.
There was a time when “I’m a perfectionist” was a clever way to get out of a question about your weaknesses. These days, any interviewer worth their salt will see through this ploy and cringe on the inside at your answer.
曾經 “我是一個完美主義者”,用這句話來回答關於你弱點一類的問題是非常聰明的。但現在,任何能勝任工作的面試官都能看穿你這點伎倆,並且刨根問底。
♞ Basically 總的來說 ♞
It’s tempting to use this word as a prelude to your achievements. For example, “Basically, I was responsible for flying the capsule to the Moon and back.”
Unfortunately, doing this also diminishes you. So, unless you’re Buzz Aldrin, skip it and launch straight into your answer.
♞ I 我 ♞
In today’s culture-centric employment world, you’re only as good as your ability to work as part of a team.
While competitiveness is a great trait to demonstrate, overusing sentences like “I was the top salesperson in my company” can give off the impression that you’ll take it too far, pushing your colleagues down and aside in order to get to the top.
By all means, brandish your achievements, but let your interviewer know what that meant for the team and/or the company. For example, “I was the top salesperson in my last role during 2013, which meant I was able to exceed my targets by $1.2 million during that year.”
展示自己的成果當然可以,但要讓你的面試官知道這些成果給團隊或者整個公司有什麼意義。例如,“2013年期間,我的銷售業績最好,這意味著那一年中,我超過既定目標1200 0000美元。”
♞ Sure 當然 ♞
It’s tempting to use this word to communicate “it’s almost a yes.”However, doing this also chips away at your ability to appear confident. Just as with “Kinda” above, it’s best to remove any ambiguity about where you stand. Use a firm “yes” or “no” instead, expanding on your position if necessary by providing reasons and examples.
♞ Amazing 太棒了 ♞
This is a word which is often used as a filler to convey positivity. The hiring manager might say, for example, “We just spent $20 million on a brand new office fit-out.” Instead of blurting out “Amazing!” to validate that choice, take a moment to think about the reasons behind such a move and provide analysis which the interviewer would find relevant. For example: “That must have done wonders for employee satisfaction.”
這個詞通常是為了表現積極而額外使用的。雇用經理可能會說, “我們花了兩千萬美元來翻新辦公室。”與其蹦出一句“太棒了”來肯定這句話,還不如花時間思考這一舉動背後的原因,給出經理可能認為相關的分析。例如“那一定讓雇員們滿意到驚訝。”
♞ Whatever 無所謂 ♞
“Whatever” is usually used to communicate that you’ve given up. It shows that you lost power and withdrew from the issue, instead of achieving an outcome which you found satisfactory.
It also makes you sound immature and dismissive – using it will communicate to the interviewer that you’re trouble.
♞ Stuff 那些事 ♞
Not only is this word overly casual in tone, it introduces ambiguity into your answers.
It can be tempting end your answer with it when you’re struggling to add detail – for example, “You know – stuff like that.” Doing sufficient research and practicing your answers will reduce that desire. Your interviewer doesn’t, in fact, know – they want to hear it from you in detail.
♞ Dedicated 專注 ♞
In today’s job market, everyone is dedicated. It’s no longer a differentiating feature. It’s also a hollow, overused cliche which shows that you probably copied your answers from the Internet, rather than preparing sufficiently for the interview by thinking about the role and your career.
Demonstrate to your interviewer that you’re dedicated by talking about your achievements.
♞ Motivated 有激情 ♞
This also includes synonymous buzz-words like “self-starter” and “enthusiastic.”
You might think that you’re telling your interviewer that you don’t need a babysitter, but all they’re thinking at that moment is “Thanks for the obvious. You’re wasting my time.” You might as well tell them that you have a pulse.
♞ Learn 學習 ♞
Don’t ever tell your interviewer that you’re applying for a job to “learn.”
It’s true that you’re expected to learn, but the primary motivation for applying should be your ability to contribute something to the company that no-one else can.
♞ Fired 解雇 ♞
You want to avoid this word at all costs. It can contextualize you in the interviewer’s mind as a troublemaker, and once that context is set, everything positive about you will be diminished and everything negative will be amplified.
Having been fired doesn’t automatically put you into the “no” pile. However, not being able to talk about it diplomatically will.
If you were fired due to under-performance, use the words “let go” instead. Explain how you used the experience to become a better employee. “I’m glad it happened because I needed to become a better marketer. In my next role I created a direct response campaign which exceeded the targets by 20%.”
- Dec 30 Wed 2015 12:40
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- Dec 30 Wed 2015 12:35
✠✠✠ 面試四件事做到誠實 ✠✠✠
❶ I do kind of live here
If you've used a different address on your résumé to tailor it to where the job is based, don't lie about it when it comes up in the interview. If your potential employer asks you where you live, tell them where you currently live, but let them know that you're willing to move for the job. The problem with this lie is you may have several rounds of interviews and you'll have to keep flying back and forth for them. If they think you live in the city, they'll probably give you short notice for interviews and those last-minute flights can be really expensive。
❷ I make so much more than my real salary
If your interviewer asks you how much you made at your last job, you may think it's a white lie to fudge the numbers a little. However, some employers ask for a copy of your W2, so you may want to be cautious about giving a fake amount because it can be construed as unethical. If you don't want to cough up your previous salary, let it be known that you don't think it has any bearing on this new job and cite the typical industry number。
❸ That's totally my GPA
If you think that inflating your grade point average will get you the job, you may want to reconsider. Some companies request a copy of your transcript or verification with the school, especially those with job positions that require a minimum GPA。
❹ I didn't get fired at my last job
Given the bad economy, there are plenty of people that have been laid off so don't be afraid to let the interviewer know. Try not to go into the details, and let her know what happened and what you learned from the experience。
Remember, the general rule of thumb is to be honest during your interview. It's different for everyone, but if you get asked uncomfortable questions, there's always a polite way of refusing to answer。
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International pop star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Katy Perry has released a special report on man-made climate change -- and it's likely way hotter than you expect.
In a mock TV news bulletin, the "Hot and Cold" singer shines a spotlight on the devastating effects extreme weather patterns are having on millions of children around the world.
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駐波士頓臺北經濟文化辦事處教育組繼11月14日辦理的「履歷撰寫技巧工作坊」大獲留學 生熱烈迴響,再度秉持服務留學生精神,於12月12日在麻省理工學院辦理勇往「職」前第二講活動「求職面談技巧工作坊」。駐波士頓教育組與紐英崙中華專業人員協會及麻省理工學院中華民國同學會再次合作,邀請6位重量級講者,分享多年面試經驗,從產、學界聘僱者角度,剖析如何在面試中,表現自己,成功獲得工 作。