
 今日主題:Cutting Carbon Pollution Could Save Health Care  減碳增健


 洪欣老師推薦:托福聽力最好的課外教材:60-Second Science

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The Paris Climate Agreement pledges to limit global temperature rise to "well below 2 degrees Celsius." "But really nobody—and certainly not the United States—has laid out the plan to get there." Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at Duke University. "So we wanted to model, what would be the effects of actually putting into place policies that would get us to a level we've pledged to reach?"

Shindell and his colleagues forecast that, to stay within two degrees C, we'd have to electrify nearly every car in the nation. And we'd have to get more than half our power from renewables. And if we do all that? In addition to keeping warming in check, the researchers estimate that we'd avoid nearly 300,000 premature deaths due to air pollution in the U.S., by 2030.

And they say the health-related financial benefits of that clean energy conversion—amounting to $250 billion dollars over the next 15 years—would likely outweigh the cost of implementing all that new technology. The analysis appears in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Big caveat: a lot of politicians these days don't think on 15-year time scales. They're looking only as far as the next election. "Right, but you start putting in these policies and you know you see the benefits for public health the same year the policies start to go into place. There's no lag time. Air quality is something that, unlike climate, doesn't take decades. Air quality is responding to what came out of a coal plant or a vehicle tailpipe last week, not last year." Meaning cutting carbon pollution might have real impacts on the nation's health and wealth almost immediately for us…and not just for our children's children.
鄭重警告:很多政客認為不需要15年的時間。他們只能關注到下一次總統選舉。“但是,當開始實施這些政策之後,第一年你就能看到這些政策對公共健康所帶來 的益處。不需要將時間延長。空氣品質,與氣候變化不同,不需要花費數十年的時間。空氣品質反應的是上周煤電廠和汽車尾氣排放狀況,而不是反應去年的狀況。 這意味著減少碳污染,會影響國家健康和財富,並且對我們,以及子孫後代產生影響。”


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