
 今日主題:The world this week – Politics  本周政治要聞

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Junior doctors in England went on strike again in their prolonged dispute with the government over new contracts covering weekend work . The walkout was the fifth this year but the first in which support was not provided for emergency care .

Aleksandar Vucic , the prime minister of Serbia , won another term in elections . He is likely to continue many of the reforms needed for Serbia to join the EU . But the bigger challenge is the economy , which last year grew by only 0.7%.
塞爾維亞總理亞歷山大•武契奇( Aleksandar Vucic )贏得大選,順利連任。他很有可能繼續推進多項改革措施促使塞爾維亞加入歐盟。但更大的挑戰來自於經濟,去年該國經濟增幅僅為0.7%。

In Spain King Felipe announced that , after exhaustive talks following the country's inconclusive election in December , he had not been able to find a new prime minister . Instead it is likely that new elections will be held on June 26 th . The polls indicate that the result may be the same .

The government of Norway launched an appeal against a court ruling that it had violated the human rights of Anders Breivik , a far - right extremist who killed 77 people in 2011. Mr . Breivik lives in a three - room cell with windows , a treadmill and a television .
挪威政府認為法院關於安德斯•布雷維克(Anders Breivik)的裁決侵犯了其人權,遂提起上述。安德斯•布雷維克是一名極右派激進分子,曾在2011年殺害77人。她現今被關押在一個三室帶窗的牢房內,同時獄方還為其配置了跑步機和電視。

A leading gay - rights activist in Bangladesh was hacked to death along with a friend . The prime minister blamed the killings on the opposition , but the local branch of al - Qaeda claimed responsibility . Two days earlier , Islamic State said it was behind a similar murder , of a professor of English . Four Bangladeshi liberals have now been murdered by Islamists this month .

India made an embarrassing diplomatic U - turn when it reneged on issuing a visa to Dolkun Isa , a peaceful Uighur activist whom China regards as a terrorist . The Indians had seemed ready to welcome Mr . Isa in a tit - for - tat measure : they were angry that China was reluctant to apply the terrorist label to a man they blame for actual terror attacks in India .
印度外交政策發生令人尷尬的大轉變,撤銷發給多里坤•艾沙(Dolkun Isa)的赴印簽證。艾沙是“世維會”的積極分子(譯者註:西方國家普遍認為“世維會”是一個旨在爭取維吾爾族獨立的、和平的少數民族團體),但中國將其 列為恐怖分子。早先中國不願認定一名對印度實施恐怖襲擊的人士為恐怖分子,印度政府對此感到憤怒,欲借歡迎艾沙來印與中國針鋒相對。

North Korea declared the launch of a ballistic missile from a submarine off its coast to be a “ great success ”. The rogue state's foreign minister said it would suspend its programme of nuclear tests if America ceased its joint military exercises with South Korea . Barack Obama refused .

Papua New Guinea's Supreme Court ruled that Australia's controversial detention camp for migrants on its Manus Island was illegal . The judges said the privately run camp , which houses around 850 men , breached PNG's constitutional guarantee of personal liberty . Australia said there would be no change in its policy .
澳大利亞在馬努斯島(Manus Island)為移民搭建收容所一直以來都飽受爭議,該島是巴布亞新幾內亞(Papua New Guinea )的屬島。近日巴布亞新幾內亞最高法院裁定這一行為違法。法官表示這一私人經營的收容所大約可容下850人,這違背了巴布亞新幾內亞憲法保證的人身自由。 澳大利亞則表示不會對這一政策作出任何修改。

Saudi Arabia's deputy crown prince published what he called a “ vision ” for the kingdom in 2030. The plan aims to curb dependence on oil by boosting non - oil businesses , and to part - privatise Saudi Aramco in order to set up a huge sovereign - wealth fund that will invest at home and abroad . Prince Muhammad bin Salman also wants to raise the participation rate of women in the workplace from a paltry 22% now to a still - paltry 30% by 2030.
沙特副王儲穆罕默德•本•薩爾曼(Muhammad bin Salman)公佈了“沙特2030願景”。計劃旨在推動非石油產業的發展,逐漸擺脫對石油的依賴,並部分私有化沙特阿美石油公司(Saudi Aramco)以便籌集巨額主權財富基金進行國內外投資。王子同時還表示希望到2030年將婦女在勞動力市場的比重由現在的22%提高到30%,但這一比 重仍然微不足道。

Hopes were tentatively raised that a durable peace might break out in South Sudan when the fledgling country's chief rebel , Riek Machar , returned to Juba , the capital , after more than two years away . Standing next to the president , Salva Kiir , with whom he has been in bitter dispute , he was sworn in as vice - president . A unity government was supposed to take shape within days .
新興國家南蘇丹反對派領導人芮克•馬沙爾(Riek Machar)結束兩年多的逃亡生涯後重返首都朱巴(Juba),這為南蘇丹實現長久和平帶來一線轉機。一直以來,馬沙爾與總統薩爾瓦•基爾(Salva Kiir)兩人之間衝突不斷,現今馬沙爾在基爾的見證下宣誓就任副總統一職。聯合政府將在未來幾天內組建完畢。

In a rare conviction for corruption , a former member of a Nigerian state legislature was sentenced to 154 years in jail . But the judge ruled that he should serve his sentences concurrently for 77 crimes , including the embezzlement of around $7 m , so he should be free in two years .

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