【PHYSICS 物理學】:sound 聲音
1. frequency [ˋfrikwənsɪ] n. 頻率
Frequency is the rate at which a sound wave or radio wave vibrates.
2. wavelength [ˋwev͵lɛŋθ] n. 波長
A wavelength is the distance between a part of a wave of energy such as light or sound and the next similar part.
● band 波段
3. amplitude [ˋæmplə͵tjud] n. 震幅
Amplitude is the maximum extent to which a particular vibration, oscilation, or wave differ from the average.
● wave crust 波峰
● wave trough 波谷
4. pitch [pɪtʃ] n. 音高
The frequency of a sound determines its pitch—the degree of highness or lowness of the sound as perceived by a listener.
5. intensity [ɪnˋtɛnsətɪ] n. 強度
The intensity of a sound is related to the amount of energy flowing in the sound waves.