
今日主題:Film and television Blood and cuts  電影與電視 刪減血腥鏡頭 (上)

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Film and television Blood and cuts
電影與電視 刪減血腥鏡頭 (上)

Unusually, some Chinese want more censorship

A FLYING dagger stabs a Japanese soldier in the heart. Another fighter has his neck slit by a Chinese secret agent. Others are shot at close range, gassed or drowned. Like war dramas everywhere, “Royalty in Blood”, a 36-part television series about the war between China and Japan from 1937-45, is pretty gory. Yet unlike elsewhere, the on-screen violence is not just for adult viewers. It is aired each week at 7.35pm, the most popular television-watching hour, when even very young children in China have yet to go to bed.
飛擲而來的匕首刺中了一名日本士兵的心臟,另一名士兵被中國特工割破了脖子。其他人或被近距離射殺,或被氣體毒死,或被淹死。36集電視連續劇《異鎮》, 描述了1937年至1945年的中日戰爭。與滿大街的戰爭戲一樣,該劇場景異常血腥。但是與其他國家或地區不同,中國電視螢屏上的暴力場景不僅只供成年觀 眾觀看。該劇在每天晚上7點35分的電視黃金時間播放,而那時,甚至中國的小孩子都還沒有上床睡覺。

All films and TV shows are vetted by a government committee. Oddly, however, China has no ratings system to denote a film's suitability for certain age-groups. It has no TV “watershed” either, as many countries do, dividing the day into family-oriented programming and late-night viewing with more adult content. Violent TV dramas are sometimes shown on public transport. Ticket sales at cinemas increased nearly 50% in the first 11 months of 2015 on the previous year to reach $6.3 billion, a total surpassed only by America. Yet questions are often raised about whether films are safe and appropriate for children, who can watch any of them.
所有的電影和電視節目都要經過一個政府委員會的審查。但奇怪的是,中國並沒有相應的分級制度說明電影適宜觀看的年齡群體;也沒有很多國家施行的電視“限 時”播放制度----該制度將一天的電視節目分為家庭節目時段與包含更多成人內容的深夜節目時段。此外,含暴力場景的電視劇時不時也會出現在公共交通中。 2015年的前11個月中,中國電影票房相比去年全年增加了近一半,達到了63億美元,僅次於美國。但是,經常有人對電影內容是否適合兒童觀看提出質疑, 因為兒童看電影沒有限制。

The government does not want ratings or a watershed because it does not want to be seen to be permitting sex and violence for anyone. Its constraints on what may appear on screen represent a laundry list of the state's anxieties. Content must not “endanger” China's unity, security or honour. It also should not “twist” history, feature explicit sex or gambling, advocate “the supremacy of religion” or “meticulously describe fortune-telling”. Playing up violence is prohibited, in theory.
不採取分級制度和限時播放制度,是因為政府不想被人們認為其允許色情和暴力是適合某些人觀看的。電視節目的限制清單反映了國家的關注點。電影電視內容不能 危害國家團結、安全或有損國家榮譽。同時它也不能“扭曲”歷史,包含直白的性內容、賭博,宣導“宗教至上”或“封建迷信”。理論上,暴力內容也應被禁。

But to attract adult audiences, makers of film and TV entertainment often like to push the boundaries of what the Communist Party regards as good taste. And even the prudish standards of the censors are sometimes flexible enough to allow content that might shock children, who are just as impressionable in China as anywhere else. In apparent response to demand from anxious parents, a handful of cinemas in the far western province of Xinjiang introduced their own unofficial ratings in 2014.
但是為了吸引成年觀眾,電影或電視節目的製作者常常挑戰共產黨制定的規則。而有時保守的審查者也會過於靈活,讓一些兒童不宜的內容出現在了螢幕上,這個人 群在中國和別處一樣,都非常容易受到影響。為了回應憂心忡忡的父母們的請求,2014年,在中國偏遠的西部省份新疆,一些電影院採用了他們自己制定的非官 方分級制度。

Censors' shockability has varied over time. The first Communist-era on-screen kiss was a peck on the cheek in “Romance on Lushan Mountain” in 1980, the year that Richard Gere appeared naked in “American Gigolo”, among the first Hollywood films to feature full-frontal male nudity. China has relaxed a bit since: for a while, one film fan had a blog called “Research Centre for Nipples in Chinese Films”.
隨著時代變遷,中國審查者們的尺度也在不斷更改。在第一代共產黨時代,螢幕上的親吻僅是1980年《廬山戀》中出現的嘴唇輕輕一觸臉頰,而同年 Richard Gere的裸體已經出現在了《美國舞男》中,那是第一批男士裸體正面出現的好萊塢電影之一。據一位電影愛好者的博客“中國電影乳房研究中心”所言,自那時 開始,中國已經逐漸放開了一些。

However, prudishness has revived in recent years. The nude scene in “Titanic”, a Hollywood film, was screened intact in China in 1998, for example, but removed from the 3D version released in 2012. Heaving bosoms have been blacklisted too: in the past year two popular TV dramas have been forced to re-edit shots that include plunging necklines and to zoom in on the actresses' faces instead (movies involving such filming techniques are referred to scathingly as “big-head” ones). Online streaming sites, which previously had often succeeded in escaping the censors' attention, are coming under closer scrutiny.
但是近年來保守之風又死灰復燃。例如好萊塢電影《鐵達尼號》1998年在中國放映時,戲中的裸露鏡頭是保持完整的,但是在2012年重新發佈的3D版中卻 被刪減。豐滿的胸部也被列入了黑名單:去年兩部熱播電視部就被強迫重新編輯鏡頭,聚焦到將含有低胸畫面的鏡頭改成女主角的臉部(使用到此類拍攝技巧的電影 被人們戲謔地稱為“大頭娃娃”版)。線上媒體先前逃脫了審查者的注意,但現在也被置於更嚴格的審查中。
Moral strictures are not applied equally. Regulators warn against “displaying excessive drinking, smoking and other bad habits”, for example, yet smoking is routine on Chinese screens. One blockbuster released in 2015, “Gone with the Bullets”, had to delay its premiere, probably because it had to adjust some of its sexually suggestive content. But it featured 45 smoking scenes—around one every three minutes.
然而道德標準並不公正。例如,監管者們對“播放過度飲酒,抽煙或其他陋習”提出警告,然而在中國電影電視中,抽煙的鏡頭依舊比比皆是。2015年的電影巨 作《一步之遙》不得不延遲上映,或許是因為要修改其中一些性暗示內容。但是電影中出現了45個抽煙的鏡頭----約每三分鐘出現一次。

Tolerance for violence is higher than it is for sex, perhaps because so much of what passes for entertainment on TV and in cinemas is in fact propaganda relating to the war against the Japanese and the party's bloody rise to power. Such historical gore is mostly given a clean pass (although some anti-Japanese war shows were reined in for being “overly dramatic” in 2013). A Chinese film released in 2006, “Curse of the Golden Flower”, was given a rating in America that required those under 17 to be accompanied by an adult because of its violent scenes (one is pictured). But these scenes were left uncut when it was screened in China. Viewers were given no warning about them. On TV “The Patriot” (Yue Fei), a popular historical drama, commonly features long fights with bloody swords, arrows through the heart and dripping corpses. It currently airs on one channel in the early afternoon (others show it at 7.35pm).
對暴力內容的容忍度比性要高,這或許是因為許多電視節目和電影實際上都是在宣傳反對日本侵略的戰爭,以及宣揚共產黨崛起的血腥歷程。類似的歷史劇一般都不 會遭到刁難(儘管2013年一些抗日戰爭劇因為“過於戲劇化”而被禁播)。2006年上映的電影《滿城盡帶黃金甲》因為其中的暴力場景,在美國被評級為 17歲以下人員需由一名成人陪同才可觀看。但是這些畫面在中國上映時並沒有被刪減,觀影者沒有接到任何警告。正在上映的流行歷史劇《精忠嶽飛》中,經常出 現帶血的刀劍,箭矢穿心而過,以及正在流血的屍體等長時間打鬥的畫面。該劇每天下午早些時候在一個頻道中播放(其他頻道在晚上7:35播放)。

Censors more often pounce if the context is not related to China's military heroism. A Japanese anime film, “Attack on Titan”, was pulled from the Shanghai film festival in June, probably because of its violent content. A children's cartoon, “Pleasant Goat and the Big, Big Wolf”, a Chinese “Tom and Jerry”, was criticised by state media in 2013 for its “vulgar” language and violent images; they said that the wolf was assaulted with a frying pan over 9,500 times in his attempt to bring a sheep home for his wife to cook. There were no apparent objections to the gender stereotypes.
當上映內容與中國的軍事英雄主義無關時,審查者們往往都倍加嚴格。在今年6月的上海電影節中,一部日本動漫電影《進擊的巨人》或許就由於其暴力內容被撤。 兒童動漫《喜羊羊與灰太狼》----中國版的《貓和老鼠》,在2013年時因為其中的粗俗語言和暴力畫面被國家媒體抨擊;他們稱那只狼為了將羊抓回家讓老 婆煮被平底鍋擊中了9500多次。審查中沒有明顯地對性別的刻板印象提出異議。

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