

 今日主題:Neanderthal Diners Had Side of Veggies

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When it comes to Neanderthal diets, the consensus has been: they ate meat. Lots of meat. But now it looks like Neanderthals chomped on a fair amount of veggies, too.

Researchers have had a tough time discerning the Neanderthals' diet. They evaluated carbon and nitrogen isotopes in bones, but those only correspond to some general kinds of proteins. Even plant remains in Neanderthal teeth could have gotten there because a tasty animal carcass itself contained traces of a last vegetarian meal.

So the researchers relied on fool-proof evidence—they studied Neanderthal fecal remains from a site in southern Spain called El Salt. Neanderthals made it their home about 50,000 years ago.
所以研究人員是根據可靠證據進行研究的——他們在西班牙南部一個叫El Salt的地方的一個遺址中,研究尼安德特人遺留的的排泄物殘渣,尼安德特人在50000年前曾定居在這。

The researchers analyzed the samples for chemical compounds that can only result from metabolizing cholesterol from meat or from metabolizing plants. All five samples showed evidence of meat consumption. But two revealed the digestion of plants. Meaning that Neanderthals did try vegetation, likely tubers and nuts . The study is in the journal PLoS One. Ainara Sistiaga et al, [The Neanderthal Meal: A New Perspective Using Faecal Biomarkers]
研究人員分析這些遺留化合物的樣本,發現這些化合物只可以是由肉中的膽固醇代謝或是植物代謝而來。所有的樣品(5個)都顯示有肉類的消化,但是其中有兩個 還存在對植物的消化。這就說明尼安德特人也試著吃像塊莖和堅果類的植物蔬菜。這項研究發表在《公共科學圖書館•綜合》雜誌上。

The scientists intend to use the same technique to examine soil samples at a 1.8 million-year-old site in Tanzania. In the hopes that any remaining poop may deliver an ancestral-diet scoop.科學家打算用同樣的技術來檢測坦桑尼亞歷時180萬年的遺址地點的土壤標本。希望這些剩餘的糞便可以為我們研究祖先的飲食提供訊息幫助。


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