Is there more of the world to explore?
1. 先聽兩三遍 (不看文稿)
2. 再一句一句聽寫 (每句都要聽寫數遍,直到寫出85%以上的字)
3. 最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。
4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。
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👯 中英文稿:
Hello, I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hello Rob.
In this programme we’re talking about exploration – that’s a journey to a place to learn something new about it. It’s a sort of educational trip.
Yes, you may have heard about famous explorers – the people who made these journeys and learned new and amazing things – like Captain Cook or Christopher Columbus.
Yes, Columbus was the Italian explorer who explored the Americas over 500 years ago. There are many other people who travelled around the world seeking out – or looking for – new land, people, plants and animals. But now in the 21st century, do you think there’s any more of the world left to discover?
Ah, well, that’s a question we’ll be ’exploring’ today and we’ll also discover some exploration-related vocabulary. But first Rob, I’m sure you have a question for me?
Of course, yes. My question is about a modern-day explorer from the UK. He’s called Ed Stafford. In 2011 he became the first person to do what? Was it… a) circumnavigate – or go all the way round – the world in a canoe b) ski down Mount Everest c) walk the length of the Amazon River
當然,是的。我的問題跟英國的現代探索家有關。他叫Ed Stafford.在2011年他做了什麼事成為世界第一人?是...a)環航--或用獨木舟環遊世界;b)從珠穆朗瑪峰滑雪下去;c)徒步走完整條亞馬遜河。
I’m going to say a) the first person to go round the world in a canoe.
OK, well, we’ll find out if you are right or wrong later on. So let’s talk more about exploration. There are many reasons why people have wanted to explore.
Yes. Sometimes it was to find new natural resources – things like oil, rubber or gold. Sometimes people wanted to find new land to occupy and build on; and sometimes people have just been inquisitive – or interested – in finding out what somewhere is like. That sounds a bit like you Rob?
Well, I do enjoy travel and adventure – and although I’ve explored places that are new to me – I haven’t yet found an undiscovered river or island.
Well, I hope you do. With satellite technology and modern transport, maybe every corner of planet Earth has already been discovered and there’s nothing left to find, I wonder?
Well, that’s not something that the travel journalist, Christina Lamb, would agree with. She’s seen a lot of the world but says there’s still more to be discovered. Let’s hear from her now. What phrase does she use to describe somewhere that hasn’t been found yet?
好吧,這位元名叫Christina Lamb的旅行記者不會同意這個看法的。她看過了世界上非常多的地方但她說仍然有很多地方沒被發現。現在讓我們聽一下她是怎麼說的。她使用了什麼樣的短語來形容至今仍未被發現的地方呢?
There still are a few places in the world that are unexplored. I’ve travelled quite a lot in the Amazon and there, there really are still places where maps don’t have anything on them and it says uncharted territory, which I think is the most exciting thing you can see on a map.
So there are still a few places to explore – places that are not on a map! Christina Lamb called them ‘uncharted territory’.
所以世界上仍然有一些需要探索的新地方--沒在地圖上標出來!Christina Lamb稱之為“未知的領域”。
‘Uncharted’ means a place that is completely new – and ‘territory’ is another word for an area of land. So, uncharted territory – imagine discovering somewhere like that!
It would be amazing – but sometimes people are already living in these places – these are the tribes – or groups of people – who have never had contact with the outside world.
Well, even if every tribe, every lost city, every piece of land had already been discovered, a travel writer called Colin Thurbron claims we can still re-explore and discover new things. So, what things keep changing which mean we should never stop exploring?
即便是每個部落,每座遺失的城市,每寸土地都已被發現了,旅行作家Colin Thurbron聲稱,我們仍然可以重新探索,並發現新的東西。所以說是什麼一直在變呢,這就說我們絕不能停止探索?
What there’s always a role for, is for reinterpreting a culture – going back there for every generation. Not just because the culture has changed but the judgements and priorities of every generation of traveller has changed too.
OK, so he talks about culture – that’s the way of life for a particular group of people. Cultures change, but also our views change too: he says our judgements and priorities change – that means we keep seeing things differently.
So you mean we see things in a new way every time we go back and look at them. In that case, maybe we will never stop exploring our planet.
Yes, there’s always something new to discover in the world and even beyond it – people are already venturing into space, the universe – where next?
Yes, absolutely. But I think I still need to explore my own city first – there’s a lot more to discover in London before I head off to Mars!
Maybe you just haven’t got any wanderlust – that’s the desire to travel – unlike explorer Ed Stafford. Earlier I asked you what he became the first person to do in 2011?
或許你沒有旅行癖(指對旅行有強烈的願望),不像Ed Stafford。早些時候我問你他在2011年做了什麼成為世界第一人?
I said a) go round the world in a canoe. I guess I’m wrong.
You’re wrong. Nice try! He was actually the first person to walk the length of the Amazon River. Your challenge now Finn is to remind us of some of the vocabulary that we’ve explored today.
In a canoe? Of course. Well, we had… exploration; explorers; seeking out; circumnavigate; natural resources; inquisitive; uncharted territory; tribes; culture; venturing; wanderlust.
用獨木舟嗎?當然,我們聽到了...exploration--探索;explorers--探險家;seeking out --找出,尋找circumnavigate--環航;natural resources--自然資源;inquisitive --好奇的;uncharted territory--未知的領域;tribes---部落;culture --文化;venturing--冒險;wanderlust --旅行癖。
Well, that brings us to the end of today’s 6 Minute English. We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s programme. Please join us again soon.