


今日主題:文化英雄 Literacy heroes

1. 先聽兩三遍 (不看文稿)
2. 再一句一句聽寫 (每句都要聽寫數遍,直到寫出85%以上的字)
3. 最後check文稿,看哪聽不出來,單字沒背過,還是發音不熟。
4. 堅持天天聽,就能每天進步哦。

MP3音檔 (按右鍵可下載聽):喜歡的同學,幫忙推或按讚哦~~


Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hello Finn.
Hi Rob.
Today we’re talking about literacy – that means the ability to read and write. And one way to improve your literacy is to read books and literature in general.
Yes, reading is good for you – and it can be educational. So you can learn things, but of course it’s enjoyable too, isn’t it Rob?
Well, it depends on what you’re reading. But you sound like a fan of books Finn, could we say you’re a bookworm –that’s a person who reads a lot?
Yes, well, I do. I’m reading a book at the moment on the way to work every day and it’s very exciting.
Well, I also like to read books but the problem is there are so many books available, it’s difficult knowing which one to choose. Anyway, soon we’ll be talking about some people who’ve been awarded for promoting – or encouraging – the love of reading.
Yes, and we’ll be using some book-related vocabulary.
But let’s start with a question for you Finn. It’s about one of the world’s longest books which is in French, and it’s by Marcel Proust, and translated into English it’s called Remembrance of Things Past. So, do you know approximately how many words that book contains? Is it: a) 267,000 b) 1,267,000 c) 10,267,000
現在先讓我來問你一個問題吧,Finn。是關於一本世界上最長的書,寫作語言是法語,作者Marcel Proust,作品英文譯名是《追憶逝水年華》。那麼,你知道它大約有多少字嗎?a) 267,000 b) 1,267,000 c) 10,267,000
I know this is a very long book. I think it’s in several volumes. I’m going to say b) 1,267,000.
OK. Have you read it?
We’ll find out if you are right or wrong later on. So let’s talk more about literacy. I think we all know that learning to read has many benefits – many good things that help us. But what inspires us, or encourages us to read?
Well, I suppose there were our parents and our school teachers – and then we have the authors – the people who write the books. A good author can really capture your imagination and make you read their stories. Which authors do you like, Rob?
Well, as a child, I loved Roald Dahl, who wrote stories like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Now, that was fiction – imaginary stories – not based on real people. Now I like travel stories, such as ones by American travel writer, Paul Theroux.
我小的時候喜歡Roald Dahl,他寫過《查理和巧克力工廠》這樣的作品。那是小說——虛構的故事——不是根據真人真事創作的。現在我喜歡的是旅行故事,比方說美國遊記作家 Paul Theroux寫的那些書。
Yes and he also writes novels, so we could also call him a novelist.
Now, you may have heard of J.K. Rowling. She wrote the Harry Potter books. She is one author who’s recently been recognised for improving people’s love of reading. The UK’s National Literacy Trust named her a ’literacy hero’ for "turning a generation of children into readers".
你應該聽說過J.K. Rowling吧。她寫的哈利波特系列書籍。最近人們開始意識到她其實促進了人們對於閱讀的興趣。英國國家文化基金把她叫作“文化英雄”,因為她“把兒童變成了愛讀書的一代”。
Another ’literacy hero’ was the actor Henry Winkler, who has dyslexia – that’s a condition where your brain makes it hard to read certain words. He has written books about a boy with learning difficulties.
另外一個“文化英雄”是演員Henry Winkler,他有讀寫困難症——得了這種疾病的人們他們的大腦無法辨認文字。他曾寫過一本書,講的也是關於一個讀寫困難的男孩。
Now, not all the ’heroes’ are authors. The Trust also honoured schoolchildren, a librarian and teachers for their efforts in trying to get people to read.
Yes, reading can also help in other ways. Recently, the former world champion boxer, Mike Tyson said he read books by Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky when he was in prison.
沒錯,閱讀在其他方面也有好處。最近,前世界拳擊冠軍Mike Tyson說,他在監獄的時候就曾閱讀Tolstoy和Dostoyevsky的書。
Well, author, Pat Winslow, who worked as a writer in prisons explains why reading and understanding books is a good thing. What words does she use to describe how they looked at characters – that’s the people – in a book?
作家Pat Winslow,曾在監獄從事寫作工作,他說閱讀和理解一本書籍是很好的一件事情。她用了哪個單詞來形容他們是如何看待人物的呢——就是書中出現的人?
When I was working in prison, very often we would have discussions about the moral compass of a character –what was the motivation of somebody, why did they behave that way? And when people were writing as well, they were actually reflecting on themselves and reflecting on their own patterns of behaviour.
So she says she discussed stories with prisoners –and one of the things they looked at was the moral compass of the characters. That’s a natural feeling someone has that makes them know what is wrong and what it is right.
They also discussed characters’ motivation – what made them do things a certain way. And this helped prisoners look at what they themselves had done and what they should do in the future.
So there’s an example of how reading can help. Now Finn, have you had any help in answering today’s question?
No. It’s a complete guess, Rob!
Well, earlier I said the world’s longest book is called, in English, Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust. Did you know approximately how many words it contained? Was it: a) 267,000 b) 1,267,000 c) 10,267,000
早先我說過,世界上最長的一本書的英文名字叫做,《追憶逝水年華》,是Marcel Proust寫的。你知道它大約有多少個字嗎?a) 267,000 b) 1,267,000 c) 10,267,000
Rob, I really have no idea so I’m going to go for b) the middle option.
Which means you were wrong. It was a mere 267,000 words.
That’s nothing. A novella. A short novel!
The first volume of this 13-volume book was published in 1913 and contained 9,600,000 characters –I don’t mean people, but letters.
這部13卷的書的第一卷在1913年出版,總共有 9,600,000個人物——我指的是人,不是字母。
I just googled it and found the name in French – ? la recherche du temps perdu.
我剛在谷歌上查到了它的法文名——la recherche du temps perdu
Well done! Well, we hope you’ve enjoyed today’s programme. Please join us again soon for another 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.

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