


正在準備雅思考試的你是不是也有同樣的問題,聽力S3 & S4太難了!沒錯,因為聽力的四個section的難度是逐級上升的,最後的兩個部分也是同學們最頭疼的,除了場景是難度比較大的學術類以外,句子也越來越複雜,對於分不清句中邏輯關係的同學絕對是死穴。今天將重點講邏輯關係當中的兩種情况:並列關係和代詞還原,幫同學們快速找到提分的方法。



並列連接詞例如:and, or, as well as, not only…but also… anything else ,both…and…, also 等。


test2,section438because of effects on sea levels and ______ .

原文内容since these may have profound effects on sea levels and on ocean currents.


目中的空格與sea levels 並列連接詞 and 接,即為並關係,所以判定空格為,在音中用sea levels定位找到並列關係就可以。這是比較簡單的並列關係題目,還有一類難度較高的,雖然題幹當中是兩個詞的并列關係,實際錄音中為兩個句子的並列關係,下面我們看一個例子:


The kites were decorated with grasses and ______.

原文内容:For this the priests used long grasses, and these - when the kite was in the air - would stream along behind it. They also used a variety of feathers to add, colour to their creations.


此題題幹中要求找到和grasses 並列關係的詞,但錄音中緊跟grasses後的並不是我們要的答案,因為這是兩個句子的並列關係,要找到答案首先要找到並列連接詞,也就是also,在其後的句子主語feathers為答案。




Stations contain accommodation, work areas, a kitchen, _____ , a gym.





7 test3,section2,第16

The Semira Region has a long tradition of


A making carpets

B weaving blankets

C carving wood


原文内容:The area has been famous for centuries for making beautiful carpets, although recently there has been a trend to move into weaving blankets and wood carving.

此題如果利用BC選項的並列關係就可以直接用刪去法刪掉B,C 選擇A


代詞還原也是一大考點,而且是很多題目丢分主要原因,往往是同學們聽到了關鍵詞以為後面就是答案時,卻聽到了一個that… 而此時又不知道這個代詞到底指的是什麼,於是陷入深深的糾結中… 在這裡講一下常見代詞還原出現的幾種情況。


有人 I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they…指示代it , that , this , these , those , here, there… 關係when , which , who , whom…其中人原是同容易識別的,所以在這裡主要另外兩種例。


test3,section3 22

What project work did Paul originally intend to get involved in ?


A construction

B agriculture

C tourism


原文内容:Then there was tourism – taking tourists for walks around the volcanoes –which(tourism) I actually chose to do

此題為關係代詞which的還原,前文提到的tourism 緊接著一句話來解釋工作内容,最後表示這個(旅遊業)是實際選擇做的。


test2,section2 18-20


Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch?


A a science museum

B a theme park

C a climbing wall

D a mining museum

E an aquarium

F a castle

G a zoo


學們非常容易錯選B,原文内容是這樣there's the MerthyrMining Museum, which is only half an hour from Trebirch by train. Your children will find itMining Museum just as fascinating as any theme park。同學們注意it,因為上文正在講的是Merthyr Mining Museum,所以這裡用it取代,意思為孩子們會發現Mining Museum像主題公園一樣令人著迷,theme park只是作為對比出現,並沒有這個地方供遊客遊覽,所以B排除。



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