

 今日主題:Menu Featured Mammoth but Diners Were Mocked / 猛獁象還是怪物樹懶?不——海龜



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The Explorers Club in New York City—whose members have included Neil Armstrong, Teddy Roosevelt, and the first men to reach both the North and South poles—has a reputation for serving exotic entrees, like fried tarantula and goats’ eyeballs. In 1951 the dinner menu featured Pacific spider crabs, turtle soup, bison steak and—allegedly scavenged from glacial ice off the coast of Alaska—a mound of mammoth meat. 
紐約市的探險者俱樂部——其成員包括尼爾•阿姆斯壯、希歐多爾•羅斯福和第一批到達南北兩極的人們——他們因提供具有異國情調的主菜而廣為人知,如“炒狼蛛”和油炸山羊眼球。1951年,晚餐菜單的特色菜為太平洋蜘蛛蟹、 海龜湯、野牛牛排以及據說來自阿拉斯加海岸冰川的猛瑪象肉。

One club member who couldn’t make the dinner asked to be sent a doggie bag, which he promptly donated to the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. What was particularly odd—odder than displaying leftovers in a museum—was that the mammoth meat was labeled Megatherium, a giant extinct ground sloth native to South America.

So which was it: mammoth or monster sloth? To find out 64 years later, researchers sequenced some mitochondrial DNA they extracted from the preserved prehistoric takeaway. What they found is that the source of the sample was neither mammoth nor sloth. It was actually sea turtle—meat that likely contributed to both the main course and that turtle soup appetizer.That’s the forensic finding served up in the journal PLoS ONE. [Jessica R. Glass et al., Was Frozen Mammoth or Giant Ground Sloth Served for Dinner at The Explorers Club?]
因此,它到底是什麼呢?猛獁象還是怪物樹懶?64 年後,為找出答案,研究人員對一些線粒體DNA進行排序,這些DNA是他們從保存完好的史前外賣中提取的。他們發現樣本的來源既不是猛獁象,也不是樹懶。它實際上是海龜——海龜肉可能是用於做主菜和龜湯開胃菜。這是法醫的發現,發表在《公共科學圖書館•綜合》雜誌上。

Of course, a double order of sea turtle might not be as exciting as a mouthful of mammoth or a soupçon of sloth. But it may be easier to swallow.

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