【MEDICINE醫學】:hospital 醫院
1. hospitalize [ˋhɑspɪt!͵aɪz] v. 就醫
To hospitalize is to take someone to a hospital for treatment or observation.
2. diagnosis [͵daɪəgˋnosɪs] n. 診斷
Diagnosis is a judgment about what a particular illness or problem is, made after making an examination.
3. dispensary [dɪˋspɛnsərɪ] n. 診療所;醫務室;藥房 ( = pharmacy)
A dispensary is a place, for example in a hospital, where medicines are prepared and given out.
4. remedy [ˋrɛmədɪ] n. 療法 ( = therapy)
Remedy is used for relieving pain, curing disease or correcting a disorder. The early settlers had their home-made remedies for some common ailments.
5. prescription [prɪˋskrɪpʃən] n. 處方( =doctor's orders)
Prescription is a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs.