
 元宵節的英文 The Lantern Festival,而有些人會在元宵節放天燈祈福就是Set off a sky lantern(放天燈),據說天燈放得愈高,表示運氣會愈好。

燈謎Lantern Riddles

湯圓 tangyuan

花生湯圓 peanut tangyuan

芝麻湯圓 sesame tangyuan

鹹湯圓 savory tangyuan

燈籠 lantern



1.The history of the festival ______ more than 2000 years.

(a) dates

(b) dates back

(c) dates from

(d) dates in


2. Lantern Festival ______ the end of the Chinese New Year period.

(a) falls

(b) marks

(c) continues

(d) reminds


3. It is ______ on the 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar.

(a) remembered

(b) supported

(c) celebrated

(d) recognised




答案:1. (b) 2.( b) 3.( c)


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