今日主題:Cosmetic Ads' Science Claims Lack Foundation
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「Clinically Proven.」 「Breakthrough Technology.」 「Ten Years of Genetic Research.」 These are phrases you might expect to find in the pages of Scientific American. But these descriptions also show up in commercials and print ads for cosmetics.
Now a study finds that some—well, make that a lot—of those science-sounding claims are simply not true.
Researchers looked at nearly 300 ads in magazines such as Vogue. They analyzed claims in the ads and ranked them on a scale ranging from acceptable to outright lie. And they found that just 18 percent of the boasts that the researchers looked at were true. 23 percent were outright lies. And 42 percent were too vague to even classify. The study is in the Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.
研究者們調查了《Vogue》雜誌上近300多個廣告,並把對這些廣告的聲明進行分析,然後將這些廣告按照可接受到赤裸裸的謊言進行排列。他們發現,科研 人員調查的這些產品僅有18%是真的。而23%的則是完全撒謊。42%的則是太模糊了以不能辨別真偽。該項研究成果發表在《全球時尚行銷》雜誌上。
The Food and Drug Administration regulates what goes into your cosmetics and what goes on the label. If a claim is blatantly untrue, the FDA can take action. Vague language on labels may be a way to keep the FDA at bay.
Meanwhile, ads are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission. Just last year they charged L'Oreal for deceptive advertising of its Génifique products, which the company said were 「clinically proven」 to boost genes' activity that would lead to the production of proteins causing 「visibly younger skin in just seven days.」 A settlement agreement forced L'Oreal to back off on the claims.
So take those cosmetic ads with a grain of that salt scrub—after all, if scientists had really come up with a product that reversed your wrinkles or grew your eyelashes, it would sell itself.